Chapter 6

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Naruto was nervous. And scared. Very scared. They had decided that Naruto would come over for dinner at the Hyuga compound. Was he happy about the plan? Not really. The pretense of the dinner was as a thank you to Naruto for helping save Hanabi. In reality they where planning on somehow telling Hiashi that they where together. Naruto shuddered. He could see it now. He would fail at the delivery of the news and Hiashi would get mad and fight him. He would ultimately lose and Hiashi would forbid Hinata from ever seeing Naruto again. As the crazy scenarios continued to race through his mind he didn't notice Hinata's grip on his hand. She was holding his hand tightly trying to reassure him. She could see he was worried.

"Naruto?" He snapped his head over to look at Hinata. "It'll be just fine. Even if it comes to the worst he could not keep me away." She squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I need you to stay with me." A light blush was grazing her cheeks at this point. "You remember this morning when I showed up. We both said that we hadn't slept well. Did I, uh, explain why I couldn't sleep last night?" Naruto shook his head and pulled Hinata closer on the couch. They had come back to his house after leaving Kakashi's office. "I missed your warmth." 

"Huh?" That was a new one. What could she possible mean?

"It was always cold out on our mission and you where there to keep me warm. But it was also more than that." She took a deep breath as she tried to keep calm her breathing and not turn into an embarrassed, blushing mess. "I was always alone and by myself since I was the heir of the Hyuga. A literal princess who was to be respected and not played with. But you, you have filled that gap. You where there. Always. Even when we where separated that night in the caravan I knew you where nearby. So I didn't worry. But last night. It was so different. I didn't even get to say goodbye before Hanabi drug me back to the compound. Later when I tried to fall asleep it hit me. I was alone again. I felt the lack of the warmth you being there with me. I couldn't sleep." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she smiled at him.

He was shocked. That was almost exactly like what he went through last night. He shook his head. He pulled Hinata right up to his chest. "I am right here. I felt close to the same thing last night. I missed having you near me. Now stop crying please. I don't know what to do when you cry." Naruto wasn't even sure he was dry eyed any more. "Last night I felt like I was missing a piece of myself. I couldn't sleep because it hurt to not be near you. It's pathetic and completely cliche but," deep breath in and out, "I need you near me Hinata. I don't care what your dad says. I can not stay away from you. So please stop crying. We will deal with this somehow. We don't even know if it will go wrong." Hinata nodded and wiped away the tears streaking down her face. Naruto wiped a stray tear of her chin. It was bordering on ridiculous how much spilling of emotions had happened here in his house. 

Naruto kissed Hinata on the top of her head and sat her up so he could stand up. He walked into the kitchen and opened his cupboards. he didn't have much. Almost all he had was ramen. He would need to fix that. He heard Hinata walk into the kitchen behind him and he turned to look at her. Other than the redness around her eyes you wouldn't know that she had been crying. He was amazed at how strong she was. She walked up next to him and looked at the open cupboards. Her lips pursed and she got a look of contemplation on her face. "You need to get more actual food Naruto." He sighed in defeat. "I can make a simple little fry pot with what you have but we need to go shopping soon. Grocery shopping." He nodded and grabbed the rice so he could start cooking that while Hinata cooked the few vegetables and a little bit of meat that had been in his freezer. After he got the rice going in the cooker he started to clean out his fridge. It was gross. He had old food and extremely expired drinks. He tossed it all.

While Hinata worked at the stove she thought about how much her life had changed in just under two weeks. The moon mission had lasted six days and they had been back from that for seven days. Four of those days had been spent on the escort mission. (I'm guessing here. It's been awhile since I saw the movie. I'm adding three days of travel to the known three days of Naruto moping around. Sorry if I'm wrong. If you know please correct me. And I have trouble keeping track of my own timeline so if you spot an error in my continuity please tell me so I can fix it.) Before the mission she had hardly had the courage to speak with Naruto for extended amounts of time. She had shown her courage and love in the big moments but the idiot boy she loves had remained painfully unaware. But now.... Now she was cooking a late lunch for the two of them at his house! Whether it was the heat of the food cooking int he pan on the stove or just a blush she did not know. But her face was hot and the distorted reflection in the metal of the stove showed that her faced was flushed and red. 

Finally the rice was done and the fry pot of veggies and meat was done also so they took the pot and the rice cooker to the table and sat next to each other and dished up plates. They sat in silence eating for a few minutes till a thought crossed Naruto's mind. "Hey Hinata?"


"What food will there be at the dinner tomorrow?"

Happy New Years! I hope everyone is staying safe tonight as they go out and have fun. Okay mother author time is over. PARTY! Thank you guys so much for all the reads, comments, and  votes! It means so much to me that you guys like my story. I know that it has been extremely touchy feely lately and there will some action and excitement in the next few chapters. I'll see all you guys.... FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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