Chapter 21

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Sorry my dear loyal readers. This chapter is just a small funny filler. I promise that the next chapter will be the dinner. I just thought that adding this little side character view chapter would help the story flow together better. This chapter is also kinda short because I don't know how to make it longer. Also. I'll be going through and editing more of the chapters so pay no attention to the crazy update notifications. I'll quit babbling and let you read now.

Hiashi Hyuga was a powerful man in the ninja world. He was the leader of one of the most prominent clans in Konoha. He had connections everywhere. So he was not as ill-informed as everyone believed he was. He knew his daughter was spending a great amount of time with Naruto. To what extent their relationship was he did not know. He also knew that Hinata had left the compound nearly running early that morning. She was supposed to give a briefing later in the morning so why she left so early was a mystery. But he knew someone who would know. He called for Hanabi to come see him. His youngest daughter was known for her gossiping and spying habit. The problem was Hinata was very good at knowing when her little sister was near. If she had found her sister spying she would have made Hanabi promise silence. Hanabi entered the main room and knelt down next to the table where Hiashi was sitting. He nodded his greeting and Hanabi nodded hers.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Hanabi sat silent after she asked her question.

Hiashi decided that getting straight to the point was his best option. "I know Hinata has been spending a lot of time with Naruto lately." He paused to watch Hanabi's reaction. Her eyes widened slightly but otherwise her have remained neutral. "But I do not know the extent of their relationship. I thought you might." Now Hanabi's eyes flew wide open. Her father was asking her.... for gossip on her older sister? Hanabi had never thought the day would come.

Hanabi smiled and nodded with glee. "So what do you want to know?"

Hiashi sighed in relief. This would be easier than he thought. "What do they do together?" Was his first question.

"Mainly walks around the town, in the forest, or through the training grounds. They've eaten at Ichiracu's Ramen once. But that's all I know because they spent four day on their mission." Hanabi took a deep breath after her little tirade of information was finished. Hiashi nodded. He hadn't expected much. There was also the matter of the mission Hinata and Naruto had gone on. When he had confronted Kakashi about the fact that they were going on a mission so soon after returning from saving Hanabi, the only explanation he received was that it was a short notice B-rank that the two of them could fill. Hiashi sensed that Kakashi had other motives but he didn't argue with the Hokage.

A question sparked in Hiashi's mind. "Am I the only one they trying to not let find out?" Hanabi thought for a moment then nodded.

"They walk around like its no big deal bit when Naruto found out I had been spying on them he looked really nervous. I think he's scared of you." Hiashi chuckled. That was a good thing. Hanabi snapped her fingers. "I just remembered! Before they left for their mission Naruto walked Hinata back here to the compound two or three times. He also came and picked her up for a date but that got interrupted by a messenger from the Hokage."

Now it was Hiashi turn to be surprised. Naruto and Hinata had actually been together that close to compound and he still hadn't been told directly? He was about to ask another question when there was a knock on the frame of the door. "Come in." The door opened and in stepped Hinata! She made her greetings and then sat down next to Hanabi. "What is it Hinata?" Hinata swallowed slightly and took a deep breath.

"I-I was hoping to i-invite Naruto over for a meal tomorrow. As t-thanks for helping save Hanabi-chan." She took another deep breath and then sat in silence. Hiashi had not expected that. He was at least relieved. He easily recognized this as a thinly veil reason for the two to try and tell him that they were together. He paused to seemingly ponder her proposal. He nodded.

"I think that would be an adequate form of thanks for the great service he provided our family. He not only helped save Hanabi, I hear that he also rescued you as well Hinata."

Hinata's eyes opened wide in shock. She hadn't known that the fact that Naruto had rescued her as well had made its way around. She nodded in response to her father's unasked question. "Y-yes. He helped me e-escape from the castle. He also h-helped me through the b-bridge dimension as it collapsed."

Hiashi raised an eyebrow. He hadn't known it to be like that. He just knew that Hinata and Naruto had been part of the final fight to stop Tonerei. His respect for the young man grew a tiny bit when heard this. "You both go of you wish. Tell the cooking staff to prepare a slightly larger than average meal for tomorrow night." Hinata gave a small giggle. He was surprised. "What is so funny?"

Hinata then realized what she had done. She looked abashed the said, "Sorry father but Naruto will eat enough for three. He went through our rations on the mission in no time." And he ate three helpings of the fry pan just an hour ago. Hiashi gave a small smile.

"Request whatever amount you think is necessary." Hinata bowed and then left. He turned to Hanabi. They shared a look and Hanabi let out a small giggle.

"I think it is safe to say they aren't trying to hide from you for much longer." Hiashi nodded in agreement with his youngest daughter. Hanabi stood up, bowed, and left. Hiashi sat there for a few minutes before calling for someone to bring him the next stack of paperwork that needed to be done. He needed to clear time from his schedule for tomorrow night.

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