Chapter 17

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Naruto hadn't moved in over an hour. They had made it back to Konoha and Hinata had been greeted by her sister who immediately brought Hinata to the compound. Apparently Hiashi was back from his stay in the hospital and had requested to see Hinata as soon as she got home. Naruto felt like something was off without Hinata near him. Naruto had made his way back to his house. He waved to all the people who called out to him on the way back. He finally got back to his house and flopped on his bed.

He ignored the pile of gifts in the corner and just stayed there. He was so tired. The overall stress of the past three and a half days had just piled up. He just lay there staring at the ceiling. He sat up reluctantly and went to go eat some food. He tried to eat some halfway decent food but eventually just made a cup of instant ramen. He ate at his table. It was lonely in his house by himself. Hinata had become a constant in his life for the past three days that it felt strange not having her close by.

Once he finished his ramen he cleaned up and then flopped onto his bed again. Eventually he looked over at his clock and saw that an hour had already passed since he had gotten back. He should go get something productive done but he didn't want to move. He was to tired. He and Hinata where going report in to Kakashi tomorrow so he didn't have to do that. With no their plans in mind he curled up, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Hinata wanted to be asleep as well but that was not the case. After meeting with her father, Hanabi had demanded all of her attention. Hanabi had wanted to know all the details of the mission. Hinata sighed when Hanabi asked. She and Naruto would be retelling this tale to Kakashi-sensei tomorrow. At least now she could practice what parts to ommit and what was actually relevant to a mission report. A light blush crossed Hinata face when she thought about what would not be in the mission report. 

Since Hanabi was still a genin she didn't go on many missions higher than a C-rank. Then again, she didn't go on many missions to begin with.  Hanabi was always busy with the duties of becoming the heir of the Hyuga. She attended more clan meetings than missions. She was not on an official team as such. She just tagged along on a different team when Hiashi said she could go on a mission. Hanabi was actually due to take her chunin exam the next time around. Hinata wondered how that would go for her little sister.  When ever Hinata came back from a mission Hanabi always wanted details so she would know what a real mission was. Hinata had made the argument that any mission no matter the rank was a 'real' mission. But Hanabi was adamant. After finally finishing her story about the mission Hinata had pleaded with her little sister in hopes of going and getting some rest. Hanabi had relented and Hinata had gone to her room and got into her bed. She was laying there but she couldn't fall asleep.

She shivered under her blanket and realized what was wrong. She missed Naruto's warmth. He had been next to her for almost the entire time. They had only slept apart that second night. She had felt something similar to this then but this was much worse. She had missed the feel of Naruto next to her that night but she had found comfort in the fact that he was nearby. But now.... he was all the way across the village. She couldn't explain the feeling. She just felt, alone. She didn't blush. She didn't try to clear away her thoughts of missing Naruto. She just lay there until utter exhaustion took over and she slept.

Neither slept well that night. Due to falling asleep early Naruto had woken up multiple times in the early hours of the morning. He went to the bathroom  during one of these wake-ups then fell onto his bed and fell into another uneasy and short lived sleep. Hinata just slept poorly. No matter how many blankets she kept on grabbing she always cold. Eventually Natsu had come in to see if she was sick but Hinata was just fine. She was just cold. She lay shivering under the pile of blankets. This was ridiculous she told herself. She had slept on her own for eighteen years! Why would just three days cause her so much anguish? She and Naruto had been camped together on the moon mission but that hadn't left her in this state. Then again, there had been other people with them. They had been alone together for one night on this mission, then they had been in the middle of a caravan! So why? Why? Why did she feel this way? Why did she miss him so much?

Morning was kind to neither of them. Despite having spent close to fourteen hours in bed, Naruto felt like he hadn't slept a wink. He had finally just stayed awake, instead of trying to go back to sleep, around 6 in the morning. He had wandered around his not doing anything. He got ready slowly and kept looking at the clock. He and Hinata where supposed to meet at Hokage tower to give their report. They where supposed to meet there at 10. It was only 7:30. He finally had it. He got up out of the chair, put his jacket and shoes on, grabbed the scarf Hinata made him, and opened the door to go see Hinata.

There was only one problem with that plan. When he opened the door Hinata was standing there just about to knock. They both froze. They stood there for about three minutes before Hinata spoke up, " I'm sorry Naruto. I didn't realize you where going somewhere. I'll just leave." Hinata turned to go bit Naruto grabbed her hand.

"No!" He blushed. "I mean I was going to go see you. But if your here then come on in!" He let go of her hand and stepped back in through the door so Hinata could step through the door. Hinata was blushing too at this point. She nodded and stepped through the doorway. She immediately felt that cold in her leave. Hinata had been 'up' early as well. She had finally stop trying get rid of that cold feeling around 5:30. She had just lay there and hadn't even tried to sleep. When the idea to go see Naruto had come to her mind she hadn't shied away from it like she had previously. She ate a small breakfast and had the gotten ready to leave.

She had walked out of the compound like she had somewhere to be and had all the time in the world. But on the inside she was fighting the urge to run. Once she was out of the compound and in the nearly empty early morning streets, she ran. She had run until she was just a block away from Naruto's house. She card her breathing down as she walked to his front door. Her nose was red and cold but the rest of her was tense with anticipation. She had calmed her breathing down to normal so she lifted her hand to knock. The door swung open and there stood Naruto looking like he had somewhere to go.

The issue had been resolved and Hinata was now a bit embarrassed. She took off her jacket and boots and walked into Naruto's house after him. It wasn't to bad. Just a few random containers from instant ramen lying around. But even if it had been filthy she wouldn't have cared. She was just happy to be near Naruto again.

Naruto shuffled his sock covered foot against the floor as Hinata looked around. It was a mess. Now that she was here it was like all the instant ramen cups were screaming out, 'Here we are!'. He quickly rushed around the room and grabbed every cup he found then shoved them into the garbage. Hinata giggled as she watched him do a rush clean up job. After he had finished that he sat down on his couch. He gestured for Hinata to sit and so she did. She sat down next to him and relaxed on the couch. Naruto looked at her curiously. She blushed a little. "I didn't sleep well last night." Naruto looked surprised.

"I didn't sleep well either. I missed you." Naruto said it so matter off fact that Hinata didn't even blush at first. But when she did blush it was a fire storm. She tried to stutter out a response but eventually just whispered, "Me too." Now it was Naruto's turn to look surprised. But instead of turning into a stuttering mess he wrapped Hinata in a hug. He whispered into the space between them. "I said I never wanted to be apart from you and I was serious. I know that it's ridiculous to say this but I need you in my life Hinata. You have always been there and I was so stupid to never realize it. If I were to die tomorrow the one thing I would regret would be taking this fucking long to see you."

Hinata raised a hand and gently cupped his face. "Naruto." She stared into his eyes with a conviction he had never seen before. "I love you. I always have and will still love you no matter what. You were there for me. You were a bright light in the darkness that helped me through. Now just shut up." And she kissed him. This was the first time she had started a kiss so Naruto was got off guard. This wasn't a kiss filled with greed and lust this kiss was just filled with love. Wholehearted, unabashed love. He returned the kiss then pulled her close and whispered "I love you." She didn't move except to whisper back, "I love you too."

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