Chapter 27

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After three days traveling through the desert Hinata was relieved to see the gate of the Hidden Sand village. She had enjoyed the time spent with Naruto but a chance to wash out the sand from her clothes and hair would be a welcome. As they neared the gate Shikamaru and Temari where waiting to greet them. Temari waved as they walked up and greeted them with a smile. "Have a nice trip?"

Hinata could only grimace. "Sand. There is sand everywhere." 

Temari laughed. "I know the feeling. C'mon. Follow me. I'll show you to where the two of you will be staying." Hinata turned around to see Naruto still talking with Shikamaru. Boys. She shook her head with a small smile. She walked over and grabbed Naruto by the hand.

"C'mon. Temari's gonna show us where we are staying." 

"Okay." Naruto squeezed her hand and walked beside her as they followed Temari. As they walked through the village there where a few shout of recognition from the villagers but unlike the Hidden Leaf no one ran up asking for pictures or anything. Things just seemed all that much more calmer than the Hidden Leaf. As they walked Temari would point out buildings they would need to know if they ever needed to find there way. She explained that if either one ever got lost just to jump onto a roof and head to the Kazekage residence. Or ask for directions. After reaching the building Naruto and Hinata where going to stay in, Temari led the two up to the suite of rooms they would be sharing.

"I'll let you guys clean out the sand then we are all gonna meet in Gaara's office before we go eat."

"Thanks Temari."

Temari waved it off and then left. Probably to go track Shikamaru down before the dinner. Hinata walked into the bedroom and drop her pack. She was tired. After a day of trekking through sand to reach the village on time because they had overslept it felt nice to relax. She looked over at Naruto to see him eyeballing the door to the bathroom.

Hinata laughed. "Not a chance Naruto. I get to shower first."

Naruto laughed and raised his hands in defeat before setting his bag down as well. Naruto flopped into a chair with a sigh. "I'm tired. Are you?"

Hinata hummed her agreement and knelt down to rummage through her bag for clean clothes. She found what she wanted and stood up. Naruto was still in the chair and didn't look like he would move till it was his turn to shower. She wandered into the bathroom and pulled the door closed behind her. She analyzed the layout of the bathroom. Simple and effective. She found two towels and peeled off her clothes. Sand fell from the folds and out of the fabric. Her lip involuntarily curled at fact that she had been wearing those clothes until just now. She dropped the clothes into the basket in a corner and turned to start the shower. After getting the temperature  right she hopped in and proceeded to rinse off the layer of sand she was coated in. As the warm water washed away the grime she thought over their plans for the trip to the Sand Village. 

They where mainly here on vacation for a month with a total of a week of actual work. The pretense was helping build new buildings for the Sand Village's growing population but that was easily done with all of Naruto's clones. They where going to be here for a month but the job would be done in no time at all. So they had plenty of relax time. Temari had been brief but apparently if they wanted they could help out at the academy in the Sand Village. They hadn't talked about it but Naruto would probably want to at least for a few days. She smiled at the thought of the barely mature Naruto trying to teach little kids. The hero aspect Naruto had would probably keep them in line for a day or two but then discipline would be left to Hinata.

She stepped out of the shower after turning off the water and toweled off. She felt refreshed and clean. She dressed and wrapped her hair in the second towel to dry it and walked out. Naruto was still in the chair with his eyes clothes so she walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. His eyes opened and he smiled at her. "My turn?" She nodded and he sauntered into the bathroom. It would only be later that she would realize he hadn't grabbed clothes before going in. She walked over to the big bed and lay down and closed her eyes. The little refresher she had been given by the shower was wearing off. She hadn't even realized she'd dosed off until she heard a door open. Her eyes opened and she saw a sight to behold. Naruto was standing in the doorway of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. She bit her lip and watched as he walked over to where he had dropped his pack and knelt down to rummage through his pack. She watched as he pulled out clothes and then he turned around to look at her. "I thought you where asleep?"

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