Chapter 5

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Her lips were even softer than the first time they kissed. They were a little chapped but that didn't matter. He broke the kiss. He didn't stay away for long though. He pressed his lips against hers again. He didn't know what he was doing but he hoped he was good at kissing. Hinata was kissing back so he couldn't be that bad. Wait Hinata was kissing him back! His heart skipped and he started to kiss faster and harder.

Hinata could hardly believe it. She had been so embarrassed when Naruto woke to her touching his hair. But when Naruto grabbed her hands and leaned in she just froze. She looked into his eyes when he was right there in front of her.

His eyes were filled with an emotion she didn't recognize. She sat there staring into those eyes until he said two simple words. "May I?" She just nodded and then he kissed her. Warmth spread from her lips through her whole body. Before she realized what she was doing she found herself kissing back. She didn't have any kissing experience but she just knew what to do.

Naruto broke away and she gulped down a breath and was glad she did when Naruto kissed back with vigor. He kissed her and she didn't want him to stop. He let go of her hands and moved one hand to the back of her head. She found that she didn't mind at all. She just kept kissing.

After another short break for air Naruto started to kiss even more passionately which
Hinata hadn't thought possible. He open his lips and started to slide his tongue forward. She parted her lips and his tongue slid in. He explored her mouth and made her lose focus on anything but the kiss. They kissed and kissed. It was either minutes or hours later that they reluctantly stopped. They didn't care all they cared about was the fact that they both didn't want to stop.

At some point in the flurry of kisses Hinata had ended up almost sitting on Naruto's lap. But she didn't mind. Her mind was still running high with strange feelings. She had always loved Naruto but this was a different kind of love. This was returned and whole love. The feeling Naruto gave her from one kiss was undescribable.

They sat next to each other with Naruto having his arm around her and not letting her move away. She didn't mind because she didn't want to move away. She wanted to stay close to him forever. Then she realised it was getting dark. She didn't mind but how would she explain being late?

All concerns of being late fled her mind when Naruto brushed his fingertips against her cheek. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "So is that a yes?" His time was husky and deep. It sent shivers down her spine. She opened her mouth and said....

Naruto was feeling like the luckiest man in the world. He hadn't known what Hinata's reaction to him kissing her would be. But when she had kissed back and let him kiss her however he wanted he was smiling so hard he almost couldn't kiss her any more. Almost.

They had finished kissing and now were just sitting across from each other. Hinata had a soft blush across her cheeks that made her seem even more beautiful. He decided to ask a rather stupid question. "So is that a yes?" For some reason his voice came out really low. He watched as a spark ignited in Hinata's eyes. She opened her mouth and gave one short answer. "Yes!" She nodded her head up and down really fast.

He broke into a smile and reached out and pulled her onto his lap in a big hug. He whispered in her ear. "That makes me really happy." She wiggled around and tried get up. Her face was blushing a deep red. Naruto decided he liked seeing her like this. He held onto her around her waist and kissed her cheek.

She stilled and just sat on his lap. She bit her lip as if she was making a choice. She then leaned back and laid her head against Naruto's shoulder. Now it was his turn to freeze. She laid her head on his shoulder right in the crook between his neck and shoulder. It was awkward at first but soon they both settled and Naruto just help her in his lap. He held her close and just... existed. He didn't do anything. He just sat there holding the girl he loved.

They sat there till they both began to notice how dark it was. Naruto was the first to speak. "We should get going." Hinata nodded and stood up. Naruto let her stand up if a bit reluctantly. She turned around and grabbed his hands and pulled him up to his feet.

Once standing Naruto didn't let go of her hand. They started to walk back to the village. They kept ahold of the others hand as the walked. They just walked in silence and were soon at the village gates. He realized that he hadn't set an actual time for the date.

They were about to walk through the gate when he asked, "So do you want to have lunch together tomorrow?" A large smile grew from the small one that had been on her face previously. "I would love that." She smiled at him and he felt his heart flutter. Why? Why did she do this to him every time?

"Then its a date!" He said rather loudly. Hinata giggled and then just laughed.  She had been a bit stunned at first but she didn't faint this time. Actually she was surprised she was conscious at all. After the kissing and the cuddling she was surprised she stayed conscious for any of it. The kiss. Even just thinking about it caused her to blush.

She felt Naruto's grip tighten momentarily and she looked up to see someone walking towards them. Actually two someones.  As they got closer to each other as they walked Hinata recognized the two. It was Shino and Kiba. She looked past them and saw Akamaru walking through the crowd as well. They finally met up and stood across from each other.

They just stood there. Naruto and Hinata stood holding hands and both wondering what was going on while Shino and Kiba stood there assessing the situation. Kiba glanced at their hands and then stared at their faces. You couldn't tell where Shino was looking behind his sunglasses.

Finally Kiba said something. "So it is true." "What is?" Naruto asked. "That you two are a thing now." Both Hinata and Naruto started to blush but Naruto kept up with Kiba's silent challenge. "And how would you know? Not that it matters." "Oh we have our source." The way he said his last statement left Hinata wondering. Could it be? The more she thought about it the more obvious it was.

"Hanabi-chan followed us didn't she? And then she told you?" The look that crossed Kiba's face gave her all the answer she needed. Shino spoke up, "Yes. Hanabi is our source. She followed you and told us about your date. She had been following you the whole time till Naruto rolled down the hill. Then she left and ran into us."
Naruto let out a sigh. Hinata could guess what that sigh was about. If Hanabi had left after Naruto fell down the hill then she didn't see the failed asking on a date, Hinata's faint, and the kissing. There had been a lot of kissing.

"So what do you want?" Hinata asked the two. A mischievous smile broke across Kiba's face. "Nothing much we just want a quick word with Naruto." Naruto seemed to pale as he slowly let go of Hinata's hand. Kiba placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder and steered him off about 10ft with Shino in tow. Hinata couldn't tell what they were saying but when they walked back Naruto was still pale. She grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Naruto gave a weak smile and started to pull her along.

They arrived at the Hyuga compound and Naruto gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving her at the gate and walking towards his house. He turned and waved then kept walking. What had Kiba and Shino said? She wondered as she headed to go find a little spy.

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