Chapter 14

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Naruto was tired. He wouldn't admit it but he was completely exhausted. He was sore and tired. The worst part was he knew why. He had felt the strain as he tried to maintain the shield. (Hi me here. I know he did have a shield like thing in the GNW but the shield I'm going for is different. Its confusion and even I can't really explain it. So yah. Read on)

He didn't know why it was so hard for him to make and maintain the shield. All he wanted to do was protect others but at what cost would it be? He would have kept thinking over the problem of his shield if they hadn't come to a stop for the night. He got down off the wagon and started to walk towards the front. He was so tired. But he needed to go see Hinata.

He made it to the front and found Hinata talking with Ken, the leader of the caravan. He walked up and slung an arm around Hinata's waist. She didn't seem to notice other than to give him a nod of her head in greeting. He scrutinized her a little more closely. There it was! There was a blush slowly creeping out onto her face. He turned his attention to Ken but there was a smirk settled on his lips that he couldn't wipe off.

The were talking about plans for the night. "We should park the wagons in a triangle shape and camp in the wagons with the horses in the middle." Ken nodded. "We'll have to shuffle around products to make room for sleeping but I don't think any one will mind." Hinata nodded in agreement. Ken nodded back at then walked off to go tell the plan to the others.

As soon as he was far enough away the Hinata dropped whatever restraint she had placed on her face. A blush spread like wildfire across her beautiful face. She squirmed a little and twiddled her fingers. She was just to cute. He leaned over and kissed her on her cheek. She froze and if it was even possible she blushed even more.

Naruto decided right then and there that he hadn't kissed Hinata near as much as he had wanted to these past two days. He looked around quick and pulled Hinata behind a wagon. Turning around he kissed her. Her lips were still the softest thing he had ever felt. She seemed to melt in his arms and Naruto just kissed her again. And again. And again. Eventually Naruto found himself sitting on the ground. Hinata was sitting on his lap kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

Hinata didn't even know what she was doing. All she knew was that kissing Naruto was the best thing in the word. Each kiss sent a spark through her and made the growing fire in her jump. Naruto pulled her to the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist. If you had told her a month ago that she would be kissing Naruto like this she probably would have fainted dead away from embarrassment. But now....

She parted her lips and Naruto's  tongue slid in and claimed her mouth. He explored every inch of her mouth and she nearly melted and the pure pleasure it gave her. One of Naruto's hands gently trailed along her cheek. His touch sent the fire inside her roaring! He cupped her cheek and kissed her again.

Her own hands snaked up the front of his shirt. She could feel every muscle taught beneath his skin. She could feel the shiver that ran through him when she traced her fingers up his stomach. Naruto kissed her with a new passion that turned her insides into molten lava. She felt like she would burn from the inside out if she kept kissing Naruto like this. But she didn't care.

She was so... She didn't know the right word that could describe how she felt. All she knew was that right now it didn't even feel like she was still in her body. The only things that kept her anchored was the feel of Naruto's lips. They kissed hers with a greed that she had never experienced before. She shifted and was smugly surprised that Naruto was enjoying this just as much as she was. She ran her fingers back down his stomach and Naruto moaned at her touch.

She didn't know whether to be pleased or embarrassed that Naruto was this respondent to her touch. She pulled her hand away from his stomach and slung her arms around his neck. She claimed dominance over the kiss. Naruto wrapped his arms around her and let her kiss him.

She explored every inch of his mouth. She ran her tongue along his and let out a moan of her own. She didn't know how long they had been there already but she could have stayed like this forever. She broke away gasping for breath. She would have kept kissing him but her breath was literally being stolen from her. She rested her forehead against his and panted trying to reclaim the breath that had been stolen from her. She didn't know if it was from the kiss or the lack of air but her head spun and she melted against Naruto. Naruto just pulled her close and whispered. "I love you. I don't know the right words to tell you how much I love you." She didn't know if she blushed or if she just sat there. But she knew her response. She whispered back. "I love you too."

How long they could have stayed there they didn't know. How long they got to stay there was about two minutes. They where giving each other little teasing kisses when they heard the first shout. With a small grunt of annoyance Hinata untangled her limbs from Naruto's and stood up. Naruto groaned in annoyance and stood up. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. They walked into the center of the wagons and found out the plan for the night.

With a critical eye the old man Tanaka told the two that Hinata would have a wagon to herself as she was the only woman among them. The men would share and rotate with who would take watch. Hinata blushed slightly and nodded. She kissed Naruto on the cheek and walked over to her wagon. The men then hashed out the watch schedule. Naruto would take the last watch right before dawn. He went to his assigned wagon and lay down. It was only a few minutes before the exhaustion from the day crept in and he fell asleep.

While Naruto may have been able to fall right asleep Hinata was the opposite. She didn't feel tired at all. Her lips still tingled from kissing Naruto. She got into her bed roll but was unable to sleep. She couldn't calm her mind down. Her mind still raced with thoughts of the kiss. She could still feel Naruto's ghost touch that had set her on fire. She couldn't even actually remember the kissing. She just remembered how it had made her feel.

She finally started to settle down. She closed her eyes and with a smile on her face she drifted off to sleep.

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