Chapter 22

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Hinata had slept much better that night. After saying a proper goodnight to Naruto, after going to tell him that her father had accepted the dinner proposal, she had come home and fallen onto her bed. She didn't want to get back up do to nerves but she was hungry and wanted to eat some food before falling asleep. She snuck across the main housing system to the kitchen and grabbed a day old cinnamon roll. Nibbling on the roll as she snuck back to her room, she almost didn't hear the almost silent feet following her. Hanabi. She continued on as if she hadn't noticed until she came to the door to her room and paused. "You need to work on your silent pursuit techniques little sister."

A sigh of exasperation came from her little sister. "How do you do that! Not even my teachers are as good as you!" 

Hinata chuckled. "I doubt that's true but thank you. Now why don't you stop standing there and come in." Hinata opened the door and didn't even look back to see if her sister was following. She moved over to and sat down on her bed. Her sister settled down next to her and leaned on her shoulder.

"You really do like him don't you. I mean, you are having him come over so you can tell father right?" Hanabi looked up to her big sisters face.  It was a glowing with a soft red of embarrassment. 

Hinata nodded. "I really do. I want to stop keeping it a secret from father. Our relationship is growing more everyday. I just want this to go well."

Hanabi debated whether to tell her sister that their father already knew about her and Naruto's relationship. In favor of seeing what her father had planned she didn't. Hinata sat there eating her cinnamon roll. As they sat there in silence Hanabi let out a yawn. Hinata giggled. "Why don't you go to sleep little sister. It will be a big day tomorrow." Hanabi nodded then walked out of her older sisters room. Hinata finished her cinnamon roll and brushed crumbs off herself. She changed into some pajamas and curled up under her blankets. She had a smile on her face and the memory of Naruto's goodnight kiss on her mind when she fell into a deep dream filled sleep.

When Hinata woke the next morning she felt refreshed and nervous. Her plan was to stay around the compound till about noon and then head over to Naruto's house to help him get ready. Her plans of an easy morning where dashed when Ino and Sakura stopped by and learned from her father that there was to be a formal dinner that night. With permission from Hiashi himself the two girls drug Hinata out from the compound to go do something she feared. She rarely faced this fear. She wore her mission clothes or her casual clothes. Hinata was being forced into shopping. She was not extremely scared she just found the experience unpleasant. Any sales girl always drew attention to the fact that her breasts where large and her hips where "proportionally wide". She knew she had a good figure the attention was embarrassing. She had gone shopping with Sakura and Ino many times before and knew it wasn't as bad. But that was usually because she just watched and criticized while they tried on. This time she was the center of attention. After being dragged around for an hour finding nothing Hinata was about ready to give up.

"Hey Hinata?" Sakura called out.

"Hmm?" Hinata looked up from the sales rack she was halfheartedly looking through.

"You really do love him. Don't you?" The way Sakura said it caught Hinata off guard.

"Y-yes. I do." She was embarrassed now. Not because of her feelings, she had come to term with those yesterday, but at the fact that she had stuttered. It made her seem unconvinced. Sakura didn't seem to notice anything before going back to look through the rack of dresses in from of her. 

Finally a call rang out from Ino, "I found it!"

Naruto had been busy trying to find something to wear for most of the morning. He had eventually given up and called in help. Why he kept going to Sai was a mystery. First the dating books and now what to wear for a dinner? He wouldn't believe it if it weren't for the pale boy standing next to him. Sai had made his assessment of Naruto's wardrobe, clicked his tongue and turned to leave. "You stay here for 15-20 minutes. I'll be back." So Naruto waited.

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