Chapter 7

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They had made their way slowly towards Hokage tower. Neither of them were happy about missing their date but the village and missions came first. They nodded to the anbu at the door and walked in. Kakashi was sitting in his chair sorting through a large stack of papers. He didn't notice them at first so they stood there until Naruto cleared his throat in annoyance.

Kakashi looked up and gave a eye smile. "Good you two are here." "What's the mission Kakashi?" Naruto was impatient to get going if only so he could get done and get back for his date with Hinata. What mission would Hinata have? Speaking of which... where were the other team members? Kakashi interrupted Naruto's thoughts. "Simple escort. Go to the land of rain and escort a merchant caravan back here to Konoha." Naruto sighed. This sounded like it would take a few days.

"How long will it take?" "Five days max unless you run into trouble." Naruto sighed again. Five days. He scratched his head and looked at Kakashi. "When do I leave?" "You two will leave in the morning so go home and get some rest." Naruto was about to turn and leave when Kakashi's words ran through his head again.

"Wait.... You two?" Kakashi nodded. "Yes. You and Hinata are going on this mission. Hinata will use her byakugan to scout ahead while you are the muscle." Naruto looked at Hinata. She had a blush on her cheeks and was looking at her feet. He wondered what was going through his head. He was happy. Five days with Hinata? Awesome!

He grabbed her hand and she jumped a little and looked to his face. He smiled at her and watched as her blush faded and a smile grew on her face. She looked beautiful when she smiled. Like an angel. He turned and looked at Kakashi again. The mans face was expressionless. Naruto shuddered. Creepy. He smiled at Hinata and grabbed her hand. At least he could walk her back to the Hyuga compound.

Hinata was a bit numb trying to process all that had happened. First instead of a date she was going on a mission. And then there was the fact that she was going with Naruto. Just the two of them. The mission itself wasn't a big deal just a lengthy B-rank. It would take them a day and a half to reach the town they were meeting the caravan at. Then since the caravan would be moving slower it would take them about three or four days to reach Konoha.

Naruto and her would have to camp out for a night along the way. Hinata's face heated up st the thought. Not that anything would happen! Just that it would be a bit awkward! She trusted Naruto and didn't think he was the type of guy who would try to... Yeah... She let that thought die.

She looked at Naruto to find him watching her. She blushed and so did he. If there was one thing she thought Naruto shouldn't have the right to do, it was blush. She felt her face flush a deeper red. She swiftly turned her head and looked down at the ground. He was just cute. There she said it. Well not really say it because she was talking in her head. She really hoped she hadn't said that out loud.

She peeked over and saw that Naruto had a grin on his face. She blushed again. Her face was so red by now she was sure she looked ridiculous. Naruto chuckled and squeezed her hand. His laugh. She almost melted into a puddle. This laugh wasn't like his normal light hearted ones. No. This laugh was filled with a different emotion.

She felt her hand being raised and saw Naruto raise it and grabbed her hand with both of his. Despite the chill in the air his hands were warm. It felt nice to have them surrounding her cold hand. Naruto captured her gaze in his. She froze. That emotion from in the woods was back in his eyes. It was less severe but it was still there.

"Hinata," she shivered at the tingle that raced down her spine when he said her name. "I hope you know how much I love you." Hinata blinked. Then she felt it as the blush crept back into her face. He continued, "I love your smile, your laugh, and most of all your blush." He stated into her eyes. The emotion was burning in his eyes. He leaned forward and raised one hand to her face. His hand tilted her chin and he kissed her.

If she thought that the kisses in the forest had been anything it was nothing compared to the feeling this kiss gave her. His lips were so soft against hers. She raised her arms and after only a short pause to consider what she was doing, she wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck. Naruto was kissing her like he couldn't get enough of her. And she did not mind at all. They broke apart for air. There foreheads were resting against each other. They both breathed in and out deeply. Hinata realized something in that moment.

She was hopelessly and completely in love with him. And from the look in his eyes she knew that he loved her too. Little did Hinata know that the same thought was running through Naruto's head. He had said it before but now it was an absolute truth. He loved her more than anything. Even ramen. Wait ramen!

He gave her a quick peck her lips then slowly backed up. Hinata reluctantly let her arms fall to her sides. But her arm didn't stay there long. Naruto grabbed her hand and started to pull her along. "Where are we going?" He threw a grin at her. "I said we would have lunch didn't I? It's nothing fancy but Ichiracu ramen is fast enough that we can eat and then go get ready!" Hinata was amazed at him. She hadn't even remembered the fact that they were supposed to eat. But now that he had said it she realized she was hungry. She laughed and started to run along side Naruto.

Now they may not have gone on the date they wanted but if you asked either of them they would have said that they couldn't have had a better day. When they got to Ichiracu's, Naruto pulled her to the counter and Ayami came out and looked stunned. She paused and spun on her heal and walked back through the curtain. A few seconds later Teuchi poked his head through the curtain. When he spotted Naruto and Hinata sitting there talking he didn't immediately see what Ayami was so worked up about.

Then he saw that Naruto was holding one of Hinata's hands. His jaw dropped and he pulled back through the curtain. The idiot finally did it. Like everyone else Teuchi knew of the girls crush and how dense the boy was. He had seen the girl hanging around for a long time. She had come in to every now and then. Teuchi had discovered that the girl had an equal or greater ability to eat ramen then Naruto's.

He shoved Ayami back through the curtain. She took their orders and Teuchi tossed it together. The two ate and chatted. When Teuchi had dealt with the other customers he went up and talked to the two. "Is the food good?" Naruto looked up and smiled. "Its great!" "Good. Its on the house." Hinata's eyes widened. Naruto just gave a cheer. They both finished their bowls and saying their thanks again they walked to the exit. Naruto hastily kissed her cheek and then walked away scratching his head and blushing. Hinata stood and smiled and was about to walk away when Ayami called out, "Hinata-chan!"

She turned and walked back to the counter. "Yes Ayami-chan?" Ayami just wordlessly held her hand up. Hinata just stared confused till she looked into Ayami eyes. She laughed and gave Ayami a high five. Ayami said nothing. But Hinata new exactly what Ayami had wanted to say. Ayami was congratulating her for getting Naruto. Yes Hinata was embarrassed but she was also happy. She headed home and packed her bag. She fell asleep to dreams of her date with Naruto.

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