Chapter 28

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Sunlight streamed in through the window and onto Naruto's face. He rolled over to face away from the bright light but was faced with something even more dazzling. Hinata was still sleeping. It was a rare thing when Naruto woke up before Hinata so he loved seeing her like this. A piece of hair was stuck to the corner of her mouth so he gentle pulled the strands away and tucked them back into her hair. After last nights dinner with Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Shikamaru, the two had gotten back to their rooms late. Hinata had immediately wandered into the bathroom and changed in pajamas and fallen into the bed. Naruto had explored their rooms for a few minutes and discovered a small kitchen and dining room through a door. He soon grew tired of exploring and followed Hinata to bed. They had fallen asleep almost immediately so Naruto was surprised he was up first.

He slipped out from under the blanket and padded quietly over to his bag. They hadn't unpacked last night so everything was still in his bag. They would be working today so he grabbed a nearly identical set of clothes to the ones he had been wearing to cross the desert. Unlike when he was younger he had multiple sets of clothes to switch between when one set got extremely dirty. He looked over at the sleeping Hinata and walked into the bathroom to change.

As he changed he thought about how Hiashi would react if he knew the living arrangements the young unmarried couple were in. Naruto knew that nothing would happen but Hiashi would still not approve. He shrugged to himself as he zipped his jacket and walked out. Hinata was still asleep so he scrawled out a note on scrap paper and stuck it to the bathroom mirror where he knew she would see it.

The note read:

Morning! I went to go find breakfast so you can do whatever. I think we can use the little kitchen but there isn't any food there. I'm gonna go either ask for supplies or we can go shopping sometime. Just wait and I should be back really soon.


Naruto walked out the door and then was at a loss for what to do. Who should he go ask? He walked down the flights of stairs and out of the building onto the street. With few people up and about the streets were quiet. He wandered down the street towards the Kazekage residence but then decided against it. He didn't want to wake anyone up. He wandered around for a few more minutes before the smell of food caught his nose. He followed it until he hit the jackpot. A market.

Since it was still opening only a few booths were open but the booth he needed was open. A bakery stand with fresh rolls, muffins, and other delicious things was open and bustling. He walked over and looked over the selection before selecting the prize. Giant cinnamon rolls with generous amounts of frosting. He bought two and started walking back to the apartment building of sorts that they were staying in. He got turned around once but quickly got going the right direction when he recognized a shop. He walked back up the stairs and opened the door to see Temari sitting at the small table with Hinata.

The two girls turned to face him.

"Good morning Naruto." Temari said. "What do you have in the bag?"

"Breakfast for me and Hinata."

Temari looked puzzled. "Why didn't you use the kitchen?"

Hinata answered. "There's no food. Just cooking equipment but nothing to cook."

Temari smacked the table causing Hinata to jump. "Sorry about that. Kankuro was supposed to have someone come stock this place for you guys. Lazy little brother." The last part was muttered under her breath.

Hinata giggled softly and rose up to take to bag from Naruto. "It's fine Temari. Naruto did well in grabbing..." She looked in the bag, "Cinnamon rolls! Yay!"

Naruto smiled sheepishly. "I knew you liked them so I bought some from the bakery stand in the market."

As Hinata went to find plates for the two Temari looked on in approval at Naruto. He no longer was such the knuckle-headed ninja he used to be. He had grown up well. And Hinata had told her some of the adventures the two had has as a couple when they waited for Naruto to return.

Hinata returned and Temari gave up her chair to Naruto so he could sit and eat. Temari leaned against the wall and chatted idly with the two as they ate and when they where done they headed out to the work site. Temari walked with them out to the edge of the village to where skeletal structures stood waiting for more work to be done on them. Half-built houses stood in the morning light alongside other miscellaneous buildings. Temari called greetings to the few people working around the structures as they walked to the center of the collection of new buildings. They walked up to an important looking man who was standing next to a table full of blueprints and other papers. Temari walked up to him and promptly hit him in the shoulder. Hard. The man was shoved over a few feet before turning to look at Temari with and exasperated look. 

"And how are you today Temari?"

"I'm good Toda. I brought your new workers." Temari gave a smile and pulled Naruto by his arm to face Toda. "This is Naruto. He specializes in shadow clones so he can give you as big a workforce as you want." She let go of Naruto's arm and gestured to Hinata. "And this is Hinata. She's smart and can help you keep Naruto under control and working." Hinata couldn't help but giggle at Temari's introductions.

Toda sighed. "Well if they are here might as well put them to work." He looked at the two. he studied Naruto for a few seconds and then spoke again. "The stories make you out to be larger than life. But I can't say I'm disappointed. If what they say is even half true you can make more than enough clones to get the job done. How many can you make?"

Naruto gave a smile. "How many do you need?"

Toda was not affected at all by Naruto's easy going challenge. We can start with 50. And before you go poofing them up wait for instructions. I do know something of how shadow clones work. Listen up so I don't have to repeat myself 50 times." Naruto nodded. Toda turned to face the table and rifled through the papers to find what he was looking for. He found the paper he was looking for and turned back around. But before he could start Temari interrupted.

"They are you're problem now. I have to go find that lazy slacker and then I'll be back."

"See you later Temari." Naruto gave a small wave as she walked off.

Toda let out another sigh. "Let's get on with this shall we?"

Hello dear readers! I just want to say thank you for almost 4k reads! I never thought my silly fanfic would ever have this many amazing readers! Sad to say I'm running out of ideas for this story so I will be wrapping it up in the next 4 or 5 chapters. I'm currently doing major overhauls on my original story so that I have something to work with once I have to end this story. I am so excited that I've gotten this far with all the help from you guys my readers! I'll be going through and cleaning up chapters before I mark this story complete in about a month so if you see a grammar or spelling mistake please let me know! With that said I'll stop rambling and let you move on to the next story. BYE!

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