Chapter 25

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Kakashi had received a request from the Village of the Hidden Sand to send a force of ninjas to help aid construction of new buildings. It really was an unnecessary request but Kakashi knew who was the real reason for the request. It was a thinly veiled request to send Naruto to the Sand village so that Gaara could talk with his friend and relax from the pressure of the job as Kazekage.  He thought about something else. he could do his assistant a favor and stick him on this job aswell so he could go to the Sand Village with Temari. Shikamaru tried to keep a professional front and he was an amazing assistant but Kakashi was feeling generous in the manner of helping the young couples spend time together. That meant he should probably send Hinata along as well so she and Naruto could spend time togeher. But what excuse could he come up with for Hiashi? 

Kakashi was about to decide on 'Because the Hokage said' for lackbof a better excuse when someone knocked on his door. He wasn't scheduled to have a meeting so who could it be? "Come in." The door opened and was surprised to see Guy wheeling himself in. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I enjoy the feelings of youth and come see my friend!" Guy wheeled his chari in a circle and stopped to face Kakashi. 

Kakashi sighed. "Well I'm busy so tell me why you came."

Guy shrugged. "No real reason. But it seems that you have something weighing down on you my friend. What is the matter?"

"How do you always read me that easy? It is nothing big. I'm just trying to put together a team for a request from Gaara. He didn't say it but he wants a chance to talk to Naruto and just be a kid for a day or two. I'm trying to decide whether or not to send Hinata along. I'm going to let Shikamaru go as well so he can see Temari."

"Hmmm. I think you are being nice in considering sending them together but why not just send Naruto so the couple can learn how to spend time apart?"

"Maybe. It would also save me the trouble of trying to come up for a reason for Hiashi as to why Hinata is needed. It's not like they are traveling through dangerous areas. Shikamaru by himself has probably worn a path through the whole country."

"But at the same time they might want to spend time away from the ever watching eyes of the village. According to Lee they spend a great amount of time away from the village in the training fields. He sees them when he goes on his runs."

Kakashi sighed again. "Guy. If you are going to contradict yourself right away why did you say anything at all?"

To this made Guy just laughed. "You asked for my opinion so I gave it. Now if you have nothing else to do at the moment why not enjoy this warm day and grab lunch with me. Lee is running around somewhere and doesn't have the time."

"You know I wish I could. But I have too much to do."

Guy laughed. "I know. That's why I checked with that secretary of yours before I came in. She said you can have a half hour break. We've wasted enough time as it is. Let's go while we are still young!"

A small smile touched Kakashi's face beneath his mask. "We aren't so young anymore Guy."

"Nonsense. Just because I'm stuck in this thing and you are Hokage now doesn't mean we can't have fun like in our youth."

Kakashi sighed yet again. "Fine then." As they walked out of the office and into the street kakashi got an idea. "If you really are still in your days of youth as you said. Despite being stuck in that thing as you put it." Kakashi could see the recognition in Guy's demeanor. "I challenge you to a race. Loser has to pay."

"You are on Kakashi!" And then Guy shot off without another word.

"Hey! Not fair!" And Kakashi started to run after Guy. 

The two men raced across the town like little children. They ran towards the street with their favorite restaurant. Kakashi thought he saw Naruto and Hinata but he was to busy trying to catch up with Guy to check. For being in a wheelchair he sure could move around! As Kakashi pulled up along side Guy he saw that he was turning the wheels of the chair so fast his hands where a blur. Kakashi shouted a challenge and pulled ahead. They neared the restaurant and both started to slow down as not to run into the building. Guy locked the brakes of the chair and started to skid to a stop while Kakashi started to do little jumps in his steps to slow down. They came to a skidding halt in a cloud of dust. Each was breathing hard. They shared a look and started to laugh. They calmed down and walked into the barbeque place.

"So who won?" The question came from the cashier. They shared another look. They had been having to much fun to care about who won.

Kakashi shrugged. "Why don't we just split the bill?"

"I say that is a great plan."

The cashier laughed. "I'll show you to your usual table. This way Hokage-sama and Guy-san."

"Midori you know us well enough to drop the honorifics. A pretty lady like yourself should be the one being served. Not two old men like us." Kakashi smiled and followed Midori through the restaurant.

She laughed. "You know the serving rules as well. 'Treat every customer with respect and dignity'. As long as you are here as customers all the staff have to address you as Hokage-sama and Guy-san."

Guy laughed. "Oh well. Let's enjoy this meal! Kakashi is on a tight leash by his secretary."

Kakashi gave a comical shudder. "I used to think nothing could scare me. But Karako scares me. It was a mistake letting Mabui of the cloud recommend her. Anyone taught by the secretary of the Raikage was bound to be a demon."

They all shared a laugh and then Midori left to get their plate. When she returned they tucked in. When the time came for Kakashi to head back to his office they parted in good spirits. But Kakashi was still no closer to deciding whether or not he should send Hinata along with Naruto and Shikamaru.

Hello readers! Like Kakashi I can't decide whether Hinata should go with or not! So.... The readers decide! Comment whether you think Hinata should to along or not. I have a plan for either way so it is up to you! Thank you for 3k reads! I never thought my story would ever have this many amazing readers! Have a great week! I'm about to leave for my flight as I'm posting this. Yay I got it posted! Author out!

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