He asks you out (Kirk)

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Your first days in the Enterprise were pretty eventful. You liked your job as a Navigator, you found it really interesting how you had to make precise measurements. Since Chekov was also a Navigator, you both spent a lot of time together since you would discuss about work and some other interesting things you two only understood.

Unknown to you, someone was watching you as you spoke with Chekov, seeming to observe every move you made. Of course, Captain Kirk was planning on asking you out.

The problem was, he didn't know how to invite you, and where to take you out for your date. He thought he would be able to arrange things by himself, but it seemed he didn't know anything about women at all, even though he has spent a lot of time with them. But spending time with you was different.

Kirk thought you were just naturally charming and funny, not mentioning he found your (H/C) hair gorgeous. He knew it was different as he would feel like fainting every time he spoke with you.

He had to talk to Uhura (reluctantly) and ask her for advice in his situation. "Don't be a wuss and ask her out like any other guy would normally do." She had said, rolling her eyes as she turned to look at the screen she was working on. Kirk then decided he would just act like himself and ask you out.

You were eating lunch, Chekov having mysteriously disappeared with the excuse that he had to talk to Bones about a headache he had. You were rather suspicious, but you shook it off as you ate your lunch in peace.

Then, you felt a presence sit next to you. You obviously knew who he was without looking. "Captain, it's nice having you over" You said, setting your glass of water down as you looked at him.

He smiled and shook his head "Just call me Jim or Kirk, whichever you prefer, no need of formalities (Y/N)" He said as he looked around the room before looking back at you. "Here's the thing, I have something to ask you." You nodded, leaning your head on your hand as you looked at him and motioned for him to continue, seeing him stay quiet.

"Well, I was wondering if you.... uh... this was less difficult in my head" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck in almost an embarrassed way. "I..well... you see, I've been uh..." You blinked, realizing how nervous he was getting.

You patiently waited for him to finish his sentence, only to end up more confused as he kept stuttering none sense.

Uhura walked in and rolled her eyes, setting a hand on your shoulder "He asks if you would like to go out with him. Come on Kirk, I thought you would do better" She said as she walked away, leaving you both with an amused and surprised expression. He glared slightly at her back as he looked back at you. "So what do you say?" He asked and gave out a nervous laugh.

"Well it would be a pleasure to go out on a date with you" You said as you stood up and picked up your tray. "Kirk" You said with a nod as you walked away with a wide smile.

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