His thoughts on you when he met you (Spock)

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"First Officer Spock, we have a new member of the crew so I would like you to show her around but not without introducing yourself of course" Kirk spoke, making Spock look up from his half done report as he raised a brow slightly.

He was quite surprised the new recruit was a female, since he knew females wouldn't join much anymore. He didn't know why he was asked to do such job, Chekov would be asked more often since he was known as the nicest in the Enterprise.

"Captain I object to your request, I suggest you send a more welcoming presence for our new recruit" He spoke rather quickly, making Kirk roll his eyes. "Awe come on Spock, you and your emotionless Vulcan áss needs to meet new people." Spock just blinked, not sure if he referred to his arse in an offending way or he was just being what humans call joking.

He had never quite understood the human way of speaking and culture. It was just not logical for him. He sighed slightly, his expression remaining as emotionless as ever.

He knew he wouldn't be able to convince his Captain that he needed to send someone else. He had been in this situations many times and every time it fails. He was just confused as to why he would be always sent when the new recruit was a female.

He suspected he was trying to get him to fall in love, but he had already told him he couldn't and would never feel anything, falling in love for instance also. He stood up, Kirk following him as he patted his shoulder "Be nice and less logical, she is quite intelligent also" He winked as he lead him through the halls.

"Also Spock" He sarted off, Spock almost knowing what he was going to say next "I think it is time you start looking for a girl, you are pretty much alone and I don't want to see you sitting alone at the cafeteria because you just wouldn't let anyone talk to you"

Both stopped at the doors of the medical flight, much to Spock's surprise. He didn't know the new recruit was specialized in the science area. He looked at Kirk for a moment as he inspected his face. "Just try Spock, do what your heart says for once and let the logical aside ok?

You know it is bad for you to hide your feelings" His Captain spoke, clearly recalling that day when his home planet had just been sucked in by a black hole and he had almost choked Kirk when he pushed his buttons to the limit. Spock just nodded as he watched Kirk smile and pat his shoulder "Good luck" He said as he walked around a corner and disappeared.

Spock turned around and took a breath in as he opened the door and saw you and Bones fighting over the muffin, both laughing. As soon as they noticed him, they stopped and sat straight up. Spock just looked at the both, his eyes landing on you as he soon realized who you were.

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it was you out of all the people. He had seen you several times in the Academy, and he was truthful at what he told you in that moment he stopped in front of the table. He was really interested in your work, and perhaps more than that.

He honestly had hoped he would see you again. That is why he had immediately rejected all the other women who had tried something with him. He hoped he would see you again and at least be friends. He soon realized he had complimented you, quickly turning around and walking out as he leaned against the door.

He stopped himself from the smile creeping up his face. He just thought you were really beautiful and intelligent. He found interesting the way you showed passion in something. He shook his head. He couldn't. No. No. No. No. No. He couldn't be feeling, it wasn't what a Vulcan would do.

He was really confused about his feelings. He just couldn't stop thinking about how amazing you were. It was all becoming too complicated with you there now. Not that he didn't want your presence. He just thought he wasn't ready to show his feelings yet. And with that, he walked away shaking his head throughout.

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