His thoughts on you when he met you (Kirk)

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Thank you to anyone who is reading this book :D

James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, or just Jim Kirk like most people call him, a man of honor, or that is what most who don't know him think. We all know by now he is a complete womanizer, always found in the rooms of girls at any time of the day. But we could say he earned his position as Captain, even though he basically made Spock angry so he had to leave his position for him to claim...

Anyways, we find our Captain Womanizer sitting in the corner of a bar, having shot glasses all around the table, a lemon in his mouth as he listened to what one of his comrades, Joe was saying. Big Joe, that is what they called him in the Academy. He was really buff but strong though, and even if he looked like he could break you with his looks, he was a softie inside.

And he knew Kirk wasn't listening him at all, catching him looking at you from the distance. He stopped at all what he was saying, Jim nodding as he repeated what he had been throughout all the night ever since you arrived "Hmm, yep, I see, that's nice" He had already repeated it three times and Big Joe had stopped speaking a while ago, watching Kirk with a knowing look as he sighed.

Kirk looked at his comrade and smiled sheepishly as he set his lemon down. "Ah sorry Joe, my mind was a bit busy." He said as he called the waiter for yet another drink. Joe shook his head as he grabbed his drink and took a sip. "Another woman caught your gaze I see" He said not surprised at all since that same scenario had happened a ton times already, he had already lost count of them.

But somehow, and strangely he could tell it was different as he would normally go with a woman in seconds, but he had been sitting down for hours.

Kirk looked back at Joe for a second as his gaze turned back to look at your laughing figure. He let out the air he had been holding in as he spoke. "You just don't understand Joe, she is the one, she is perfect. Have you seen that gorgeous (H/C) hair and those (E/C) eyes?" He spoke, Joe just shrugging "I just see a normal woman, but I guess in your eyes she is indeed as beautiful and amazing as you say" He said, now surprised at Kirk's truthful words.

Kirk indeed had fallen in love with you at first sight, without you knowing of course. But he had yet to convince you to join the Enterprise whether you accepted or not. He downed yet another shot as he swallowed it as if it was simple water. "She is indeed the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I don't think I will be able to work at the Enterprise with her being in my mind all the time. It is just like an addiction, I want to get to know more of her. What she likes, enjoys, dislikes or what makes her sad so she never is." He spoke truthfully, leaving Joe's mouth open as he stared at Kirk.

Kirk turned to him and raised a brow "What?" He asked as if he hadn't just poured his heart out to a woman who didn't even know him. Maybe it was because of the alcohol or he was just too in love with you.

"Nothing" He responded as he recovered from the shock. "I mean, if you really love her why don't you-" But he was cut off, seeing his Captain was ahead of him and had already sat down in the seat next to you. He rolled his eyes as he looked at Bones who was staring at Kirk, his mouth wide open. Both men had just seen a side of Kirk only he knew of.

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