You go on a date (Kirk)

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You didn't see Kirk much after he asked you out. You guessed maybe he was nervous or just too busy since he was the Captain and he had to be in the control room at all times. Of course, he made sure you knew he hadn't forgotten you, having sent you a bouquet of flowers with a note.

Excited for our date
Make sure to use that (F/C) dress.
You look stunning on it. ;)

You had no idea how he knew you had a dress of that color, or how you looked in it for instance. But you decided to comply to his request nonetheless, having it ready in your closet one day before you two went out on your first date. The cons of going out with Kirk... Receiving glares from women in the starship. You could understand they were somewhat angry at you for being the one he asked out, but you thought it was unecessary to be rude.

You decided to push that aside, after all you wanted to enjoy going out with Jim. On the night of your date, you had left work early with the permission of Kirk of course to go get ready. He was gone also, Spock telling you he had retreated to his chambers, leaving him in charge.

As you got ready, having taken a shower and put on the dress instead of the Starfleet uniform, you heard a knock, which confused you since Kirk was supposed to be arriving in half an hour or so. You quickly hurried and opened it, only to be received by a smiling Uhura.

"If it's alright, I wish to help you get ready for your date with Captain Womanizer." You both laughed at the nickname as you let her in, closing the door as you turned to her.

"Thank you for coming, I was about to go crazy with how I should stile my hair" You spoke nervously, sitting down and letting Uhura work on your hair as you hummed a song you had in mind.

"I seriously don't know what you see in him, for all I know he is a total jerk and messes with women" She said with a slight roll of her eyes. You smiled, watching yourself in the mirror. "I guess I had to give him a chance, I know he isn't a bad guy on the inside, he just likes to act like tough boy." You spoke truthfully, making Uhura smile as she set the brush down.

"You are prefect for him, no girl would have said that" She spoke wosely as she applied some spray to your hair so the hairstyle would be kept. "Most girls only like him for his looks and his position in the starfleet, yet you just say the good things about him without saying one of those things." She said as she took a step back and watched you with a smile, giving you thumbs up.

Soon a knock was heard on the door, making the both of you jump as she smiled and pushed you out of the chair and dragged you to the door. She opened it first and greeted a well suited Kirk. "Okay big boy, make sure you treat her with respect and bring her back at midnight sharp" She spoke as she pushed you to him and closed the door. Before you could say anything Uhura spoke again "And use protection!" In a joking way, though she made the both of you blush in embarrassment.

After the embarrassing moment passed, you caught him looking at you up and down, holding your hand as he twirled you so he could see you. "I told you, that dress looks stunning on you" He spoke and brushed some hair out of your face, gently guiding you to a dimly lit room which had a table set with dinner for two and candles adorning around.

You couldn't help but smile widely as he pulled a chair back for you and let you sit down, sitting down once you were set as dinner was brought in by a reluctant Sulu who was dressed like a waiter. You both ate dinner, had dessert and ended the night by sitting down in soft cushions in front of a glass window, looking out into the beauty of space, soft music playing on the background which only made it more romantic.

You had your head leaning on his shoulder, his arm draped around you as he had you close to him, the both of you being silent, though it was a comfortable silence. You knew there were no words to be spoken for the both of you to know that you loved each other and it was a perfect night.

Eventually, you fell asleep in his arms, him following you soon after as the music continued playing, almost in a lulling way.

You are the only air I breathe. You are ticking in my heart like a little clock. Yes, you wake me up every day, while I fall asleep dreaming of the days when I was alone. No longer am I in such a way.

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