eight//dead & jail

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I'm not going to lie, I liked this side of Harry. The caring side, the gently side of him. Not the angry, controlling possessive side.

I watched him as he disappeared into the hallway go to the bathroom as I sat on the couch. I know he didn't mean to hurt me. I know he didn't. I also know that there is something wrong with him. I'm not saying he is crazy but I know he has been through things, I can tell.

I wanted to know more about Johanna. But I didn't want to push not now.

I know what Harry and I was doing was wrong. I know it was but I just couldn't get away. He intrigued me so much. I wanted to get to know him. I needed to get to know him. I loved Luke, I really did but-

"Brianna?" Harry cuts me off from my thoughts and I snap my head in his direction. "The bath is ready." He says walking over to me. He takes my hand interlocking our fingers together as he pulls me up from the couch.

He leads me to his bathroom, and slowly begins to undress me. He took off every piece of clothing so gently and slowly. Touching every part of my body, in the most non sexual way. It was so gentle, and passionate. I had never been touched like this. Every time his fingers made contact with my skin it burned-a good kind of burn.

"Get in." He instructs. I do so, stepping one foot in at a time. The water was burning but it felt amazing. I slowly laid my body in the water and relaxed, closing my eyes.

I heard Harry begin to leave. "Harry?" I call out.

"Yes baby?" He replies. I loved the way he said baby, how it rolled off his tongue.

"Please stay. Please get in with me?" I questioned him.



Fuck yes I was getting in this tub with her. I still felt so bad for what I had done so I wanted to do everything I could to make it up to her.

I strip off my clothes before getting in and sitting. Her body was between my legs. I rubbed down her arms causing goose bumps to rise on her skin. I kissed her neck and she leaned back into me sighing.

I grabbed my soap and put some in my hand and began washing her. Rubbing every inch of her body. Her nipples hardening as I washed over her breasts. I washed her thighs and rubbed gently against them causing her to moan slightly.

As I finished washing her I sigh starting to get tired. "Harry I want to get out now." she says and I nod standing up. I reach and grab a towel, wrapping it around her body. She shivered slightly as the cool air hit her body.

"I can get you some of my clothes." I tell her.

"Okay." She nods as she dries herself off. She follows me as I lead her to my bedroom. I give her a large shirt and pair of my boxers and she puts them on quickly as do I.

She sits on my bed and I join her. "So um what do you want to do now?" I ask her.

"We could talk." She shrugs.

I move closer to her on the bed and I stare at her. She looks to be in deep thought, her crystal blue eyes glued to the ceiling, her dark brown hair falling in her face and over her shoulders.

"Hey Harry could I ask you a question?" I nod slowly.

"Where are your parents?" She asks. I get up, ignoring the question. "Where are you going?"

"For a smoke and a drink it's about that time."

"But you didn't answer my question."

"My mums dead and my dads in jail."

"Harry I-I'm sorry I didn't know. What happened to your mum? And why is your dad in jail?"

"Why the fuck do you ask so many fucking questions."


"My dad abused my mum ever since I was two. He never laid a hand on me or my sister, always my mum. When I was fourteen my mum died. She was beaten to death. My dad said he didn't do it, but all the evidence lead to him. He was sentenced for 7 years in jail just because they weren't for sure. Ever since then it's been me and my sister."

"That's awful I am so sorry, where is your sister?"

"She's at a uni."

"Why aren't you there too?"

"Because I can't be around people like she can because of my-"

"Your what Harry?"

"Nothing, uh fuck just drop it."


"I can't believe it's only been and hour and I got you drunk." I say shaking my head.

"Why aren't you drinking too?" She slurs.

"Because I have work tomorrow and so do you so stop drinking." I tell her.

"You have a job?" She begins to laugh. I stare at her, when she realizes I'm serious she stops laughing. "Oh um.."

"I think you should go now, I'm not kicking you out but you do have to go and teach little kids tomorrow." I smile slightly at her.

"I want to stay with you." She pouts.

"Grab your coat I'm walking you home." I say and stand up. She stands up also.

"I can walk myself Harry. But just give me a kiss please before I leave." She begs.

I grab her waist, putting my arm around her before pulling her into my body. She gasp at the sudden motion an I smirk, before leaning in and pressing my lips against hers. I try and pry her lips open with my tongue but she decides to be a tease. My hands travel to her bum and squeeze lightly. She gaps and I slide my tongue in meeting hers. We kiss for a few moments and she pulls away panting for air.

"I'll see you later." She whispers.



I had taken another hot bath when I got home from Harry's. It sobered me up a bit, I was not laying across my bed, flipping through a magazine. My wet hair dripping on every page or so.

The bedroom door opens and I turn my head and see Luke walking in. He looks at me and smiles. "Hi baby." He says coming over and kissing my cheek.

"It's late Lucas." I tell him.

"I told you I'd be late." He says as he begins to take off his tie. "Work emergency's lovely."

"No one has work emergency's at 10pm to almost 2am in the morning." I tell him and he sighs, walking into the closet. He stays in a few seconds and comes out in a pair of pajama pants and no shirt. "Are you cheating?" I question.


"Answer the damn question." I spit.

"Are you cheating?" He asks, looking at me raising an eyebrow.

"No. No don't turn this around on me I asked tryouts the damn question first and I want an answer!"

"How fucking old are you twelve? 'I asked you first' so? I asked you, I am your fiancé you should fucking answer MY questions."

"I don't HAVE to do anything. Your lucky I'm even still here." I mumble alas I get into the bed.

"What did you just say?" Luke comes over to me, pinning my arms over my head as I squirm under him.

"Let to of me!" I say and move under his grasp.

"Not until you tell me baby doll." He tells me looking into my eyes.

"I said your lucky I'm still here with you I could leave right now." I say and finally get out of his grasp rolling off the bed. He was on one side and I was on the other.

"Where are you going to go if you left?" He asked smirking.

"Trust me, I could find somewhere." I smirk.

"Who that kid? Gary? Oh yeah how old is he seven?" He says laughing.

"I hate you." I spit.

Like walks over to me, slapping me across the cheek. "Oh baby doll don't say that." He says and strokes my cheek. "Come one lets go to bed now."


"Slowly bounce like this, I'll hold your hips and guide you." He says gripping my hips.

I start to bounce on top of him. He throws his head back enjoying the pleasure. "You know your doing a good job for riding someone for the first time." He says in pants, he moans and I go faster.

"Oh my." I say enjoying this new position. "Oh Harry." I moan.

I shoot up in bed panting. Did I? I-I just had my first wet dream, ever and it was about Harry. Here, with my fiancé laying next to me.

My hands travel to my panties, I gasp at the wetness. I remove the covers from my body and make my way toward the bathroom. Turning on the light I hiss when I see the bruise.

I shake my head trying not to remember what happened before I fell asleep, before sliding off my panties, releaving myself thinking of Harry.


Hi! I hope y'all liked it! Sorry it's need about a year since I updated lol I've been busy with school!

Sorry if this chapter wasn't long I did it on my phone in about 20 minutes because I really wanted to update!

I have to study now lol, so please vote and comment and tell me what you think!

12 votes & 7 comments?


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