eleven// finding some truth

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I sit there and I stare at the screen. In pure utter shock and confusion. I stare at the comment over and over again trying to at least process some of it.

JohannaWilson 2:45am Aug 29th 2012-

My boyfriend has this, man is he crazy, he does the weirdest shit sometimes and I don't know how to fix him. Sometimes all he does is drinks and smokes and I'm pretty fucking sure he is killing himself. I don't know we will see. They really need to find a cure and quick.

I look at the time the comment was published, 2:45am, why would she post it, so late at night? Was she trying to hid the fact that she was looking it up or what?

I open a new tab and type in the name 'Johanna Wilson' to my surprise a few web pages pop up and I click on the first one.

Missing! 21 year old Johanna Wilson still missing! It's been 3weeks since Miss Wilson gave birth to her baby boy and suddenly disappeared after delivering.

We think Miss Wilson escaped the deliver room some how and was taken! Or ran away. We think she may not have wanted the baby but some say they saw Miss Wilson buying baby clothes just weeks before delivering.

"I saw her when I was shopping for things for my own baby, she looked so happy. She's one of those people who had a natural glow of being pregnant. Oh and she was with a young man! He had some tattoos and stuff! He didn't look to happy but maybe he was having one of those days you know?" -Jenny Martin (Whiteness)

So can this young many have some sort of influence on her disappearing? Did she disappear with him? Did he take her?

I clicked on other site after reading that one. Shocked. I couldn't believe it. I knew for a fact that this was the girl Harry had been talking about, I mean it only made sense?

Johanna Wilson found DEAD! Her body found in a ditch just a few miles away from the hospital, we haven't got facial recognitions yet, but we know for a fact that this is her.

~His POV~

I woke up to a pounding at my door. I don't know if someone was at my door or if it was my head pounding because I was massively hung over from drinking a whole vodka bottle. I get out of bed, still in my boxers and walk to the door and swing it open.

"Hi?" I say looking at her, taking in her appearance. She was in short pajama shorts, a tank top that was low cut and bunny slippers. Her hair was up on her head in a bun and her face was makeup free. She had her laptop in her left hand I smirked a bit at her.

"I-Harry we need to talk.." she says. I move out the way allowing her to come in and she does. She walks to the living room and sits on the couch.

"I'm going to go put some uh clothes on right quick." she nods not turning around, but open she opens her laptop and begins to type furiously.

I walk to my room and pull a t-shirt over my head and some sweats on. I grab a jacket and put on, because it was a bit cold.

I walk back out and Brianna is staring into space like she's lost in thought. "Uh you wanted to talk" I say to her and she looks at me.

"I uh, I looked up your disease.." she says her voice trailing off.

"Okay?" I say not understanding the point of this.

"I was reading some comments on it and what not and I saw this name, 'Johanna Wilson' then I got curious so I looked her up and-"

"Let me see the comment." I say cutting her off.

She scrambles and shows me her laptop. I look at her confused. "Brianna, there's nothing here that says 'Johanna Wilson' what are you even talking about." she jerks her laptop back and her eyes go wide.

"I-I swear there was a comment was there?"

"So what's the point of you coming here?" I ask her.

"I looked her up Harry, is that the 'Johanna' you called up when I saw you dancing?" she asks. I don't respond to her, I just sit back and stare at her. "Did you kill her?" she ask.

"So you come to my house, wake me up and accuse me of killing someone? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask and she looks startled with my sudden outburst.

"I wasn't accusing you-"

"Then what the fuck were you doing?"

"I just wanted some answers-"

"And what where you going to do if I said I had killed her?" I ask standing up. "You know what don't, don't even answer that. I'm going out to get a few things from the store and too cool off before I do something I regret." I say and head to the door. "If your here when I get back great, if your not here, great." I say and leave.

~Her POV~

I sit there confused, staring at my laptop after he left. I heard the doorbell go off and I decided if I should answer it or not knowing this isn't my house. I decided not too, but then the knocking got louder and louder and I sighed getting up from the couch.

I make my way to the door and swing it open not even bothering to ask who it is. When I look to see who it is I was slightly confused. The smile on the woman's face went away when she saw me. She put a half smile, probably trying to be polite.

"Hi, I'm looking for Harry Styles. Oh I hope I have the right place." she says starting to sound worried. I'm a bit confused to who this woman.

"Oh this is the right place, Harry is out at the moment." I say. She frowns.

"May I at least come in?" she asks.

I hesitate a moment before letting her in. She walks in and smiles. I shut the door behind her. "I'm sorry if this comes across rude dear, but who are you?" she asks.

"I'm Harry's uh friend. May I ask you the same thing?" I ask.

"Oh of course! I'm Harry's mum." she beams at me. Mum? Didn't Harry tell me his Mum was beaten to death?

"Are you Harry's girlfriend? I'm glad Harry's moved on from his last.." her voice trails off and she cuts her self off.

"Harry he uh told me his Mum was dead?" I say to her. She frowns once again. "And no I am not his girlfriend."

"I, have a seat, we should talk about this before Harry gets back." she says.

"Talk about what?" I ask.

She sighs and sits on the couch. I stand there still confused. I slowly walk over to the couch and wait for her to start talking. "When Harry was 8 the doctor diagnosed Harry with-"



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