Chapter 18

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When I woke up the next morning, my body was burning up. A tight arm was wrapped around me making the throbbing not pain worse. I ripped it off me and ran to the bathroom.

I splashed water across my arms and face. The heat that was stuck around me didn't go away and I started whimpering. My clothes were sticking to my body and I just wanted them off.

But I knew I had to be tough. So I walked back to the room and saw Ace still was sleeping.

The alarm clock on his bed side table read 7:46. Hopefully Jewel or Rylie would be awake.

I decided to go to Jewel's room first since she would most likely be awake. If I walked in on Rylie and Noah again, I might as well stay sick.

Quietly I knocked on her door and entered. Her bed was empty so I knew she was awake.

Noises wee made from her bathroom so I knocked again.

She opened the door and looked completely wide awake.

"Melanie what's wrong? You look a little pale", she informed me and brought me to her bed to sit down.

"I don't know, I feel super hot and...", I tried fanning myself but that seemed to make it worse.

Her eyes got really wide.

"Is Ace awake Melanie?" She asked cautiously.

"No why?"

She gripped my arm and brought me down the hall to two double doors. When she opened them, it seemed to be like a private nurse station.

People around me bowed their heads and others looked at me worriedly.

We passed by Kate who seems very deep in her work that she didn't even see us pass by.

At the very end of the rows of nurses, a tall lady with blonde hair and glasses stood in front of us instructing a nurse.

Once she left, the nurse in front of us noticed us.

"Good morning Luna, Jewel", she nodded and showed off her straight white teeth.

"What seems to be the problem today?" She asks and looks between the two of us.

"Melanie doesn't seem to be okay. She needs to be checked on right away", their voices were getting fainter and fainter and my head felt like it was spinning.

The last thing I remember were loud voices and I hit the floor.

"Is she going to be okay?" I heard a male voice ask. But disappointingly wasn't Ace.

"Yes. She has a very mild fever which she should be able to break within 5-7 hours of her waking."

It was the same doctor who Jewel had been discussing with.

When I tried to open my eyes, it felt like heavy boulders were keeping them closed.

My fingers and toes felt numb when I tried to move them so I couldn't tell if I was actually wiggling them.

Eventually my eyes opened and took some time to get used to the bright light.

My head was heavy and I groaned letting it fall back in the pillow.

I slowly sat up so I could really see what was going on.

A lady stood there with her back facing me.

My throat felt dry and I needed a drink.

I cleared my throat as best as I could and she spun around.

Her eyebrows shut up and she rushed towards me.

"Luna is something wrong? Can I get you anything?" She asked frantically.

"Water", I chucked out and she handed me the plastic cup. I smiled at her thankfully before gulping it down.

The water tastes so good when I managed to clear my throat better.

"Is there anyone I can get you?" She asked with her hands locked together in front of her.

"Jewel or Rylie" I mumbled and she nodded before exiting.

I wondered if Ace knew I was here. If so, wouldn't he want to be with me to at least know I was okay?

Hours seemed to pass when only it was minutes, as Jewel and the Doctor walked in.

"Mel are you okay? You basically fainted out there", she said worriedly.

"I'm fine...I think", I said unsure.

"Do you know what's wrong with me?" I ask, my attention now in the Doctor.

"Yes Luna. We have discovered that you are officially going through your first heat period", I groaned.

"Why is this happening now?"

"When a female werewolf meets her mate and is with him for a long period of time, it starts to trigger your hormones. You see, Ace has decided to wait to mark you and mates are supposed to complete the bond right away", she explains to me and I grasp the information.

"Well I thought we you go into heat... you literally do like cats. How come I feel pain and not that?" I ask.

"There are different stages of heat. First off you experience a lot of pain and uncomfortableness because your body is getting used to your higher temperature. Once it adjusts, you start releasing you mating scent which will lure your mate in".

Oh my Lord. This cannot happen! I'm not even ready for this Marking step and the mating was a whole other story.

My wolf wasn't thinking about our heat situation. She was thinking about Ace.

"Where's Ace?" I bluntly ask and try snap their heads in my direction.

"Melanie...Ace doesn't even know about this yet", Jewel tells me and I feel like this problem is going to get a whole lot more worse.

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