Deep Conversations and Pigging Out

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Engaged To Batman.


It’s been four months. Four months since Andy had rescued me from Ronnie’s evil clutches. Four month’s since he asked my hand in marriage. Eight months since Andy became my own personal stalker.


I was currently sitting inside Burger King with Sammi Doll. The place was somewhat packed. Little children running about, Snobby elders looking down there nose’s at others, Parent’s calming their brats of what they call children, and last but not least an infants screech for their mother’s breast.

I sat in front of Sammie, munching on my third Double Whopper. Oh did I forget to mention that I’m pregnant. Don’t get me wrong here people, I’m excited, yet part of me is terrified. I watched closely as one of the mother’s fed her infant while another cooed at her’s. I let out a soft sigh, blowing my bangs out my face. Sammie gave me a concern look. She was currently the only one who knew about this. Andy, now that was a whole other chapter. Dear Gandhi, I was scared shitless, I knew he didn’t want children, especially now that his career was blooming even more than ever.

“Hey Ellie? You need to chill out. I’m sure Andy will be perfectly reasonable. And, I’ll be more than happy to be there when you decide to tell him. You know I’m always here for you.” She said as she extended her arm out to hold onto my hand. She smiled at me, trying to show comfort.

 “I know Sam. I know. I’m just scared. He even said, and I quote ‘I do not want children anytime soon’. What if he leaves me this time for good? We always fight and break up. I’m not ready Sam. I’m not ready for anything.” I breathed out, pulling my hand away from her’s.

 “Hey now. I know he did. But this is you we’re talking about. How could he not want you and you’re baby? And, I said whenever you’re ready. But hey this baby living and growing in you’re not so fat stomach” She poked my tummy, trying to address the point. “ Is going to be loved , by thousand and thousand of people. Especially its parents. So shut up and quit your whining.” She said before throwing a fry at me.

 We looked at each other before bursting out in pure laughter. We finally stopped after awhile to notice that we had a few admires.


We left the fast food joint. We got into her car and drove over to her crappy ass apartment. I opened the door to see her cat’s purring. I smiled and kneed down to take a hold of her kitty. I walked over to the small kitchen. I placed the orange kitty on th table before opening the fridge. I saw a half full pack of smoked ham. I start shoving handfulls before Sammi even comes inside the apartment.

“Ellie? Where’d you go?” Sam yell out

“Kwitchen!!” I muffle out as I shove another piece of ham in my mouth.

“Hey, What the hell! We just fucking ate! “ She screeched. I look up from the fridge. Ham danging like drool from my mouth as I see Sam across the room. I smile, letting the ham fall out of my mouth.

“But, the baby said it was hungryI said as I petted my belly.

“That’s a heaping load of bullshit” She said, hands on her hips.


I walked out of the small kitchen and fell on the couch. I turned the T.V on and watched CSI. Sammie came in texting and almost tripping. We watched re-runs before we decide to go out.


We were at a park watching little kids play.

I let out a soft grunt. I stood up from the bench and stuffed my hands inside the big oversized hoodie. I kicked a pebble into the water. Sammie caught up with me. We walked in comfortable silence. We stayed at the park for at least two hours. I fell before I could even blink.

“Shit, that hurt.”

“Ellie! Dude, you fell.”

“Gee thanks! Your so fucking helpful”

‘Come on boo. Is the baby ok?”

“Sammie! Shut up! Don’t ever say that out loud. Someone could hear you.” I hissed in her face.

“Sorry. Come on. Let’s get out of here. It’s almost dark out.” Sadness rocked back and forth in her eyes. Gulit seeped over my shoulders.

Once at the house, I got in my car and drove off to my grandparent's house.


I was inside my grandparent’s house, rocking on my papa’s rocking chair. I could smell freshly made apple pie. My taste buds started to melt away as the delicious smell wrapped a blanket filled with sweet apple around my tongue. I was in the kitchen waiting for the pie to be ready. My grandmother just smiled at me and kissed my forehead. She stood up and walked into the house.

She pulled the pie out. And boy did I dig into it. I was sitting beside my papa stuffing myself with pie. I had a huge mouthful of pie when I turned around to look at my papa. I tried smiling but failed miserably. I tried taking a spoonful of his pie, but he smacked my hand.

I went upstairs to the bathroom. I stripped down before looking in the mirror. I traced the side of my body before touching my belly. I was sixteen or so month’s into this pregnancy. I placed my hand on my belly. I rubbed it slowly and cooed at my stomach. I rubbed my hands up and down slowly against the little bump. I couldn’t help but smile huge. I jumped into the shower a bit too excited.

I exited out of the shower tiptoeing into my bedroom. I slipped on a pair of new clothes before running downstairs to hug my grandparent’s a goodnight and kisses.

I slipped into my Queen size bed trying to get comfortable, before the train of thoughts arrived full loaded. I let out yet another sigh. What if I was to tell Andy. Would he freak? Be happy? What will my grandparent’s say? My granddad will probably shoot Andy. My grandmother might join in. Will Amy and Brock be happy? Or will they hate me for ruining their son’s career? Oh man. I can’t tell him. But I have to. I cuddled up against my pillow. I felt the bed softly vibrate. I was in search for my phone. Who the hell would be calling?

Oh, It’s Andy. Great.



“Hey babe. How are you? Did I wake you?”

“Hey. Er no. I was about to sleep. I’m good how’s the tour and the guys?”

“Oh shit, my bad. We’re all good. The tour is fucking great baby! Damn, you should of came! I’ll be home soon though, I have a little something for you, if you catch my drift. Haha.”

My mind went blank. He wanted sex. Ugh great. Means I’m losing my butt virginity. Ew. I was so into my thoughts I forgot I was on the phone still.

Babe? You there? Babe!?”

“I-I’m here. Sorry. I thought I heard a mouse outside. What were you saying?”

“Ha. I was saying, wait did you say you heard..A mouse outside?”

“Shit stupid.” Shit. Thought out loud.” Uh babe. I’m sleepy I think I’ll just hit the hay. But have fun. OK? Love you. Bye.”

I hung up before he could answer. I laid back down when my cell vibrated.

“Babe. Is everything okay? I’m worried.”

“everthing is ok. Juss sleepy. “

“Ok. Nite. Love you.”


I fell asleep to the perfect nightmare. Ronnie killing my baby.


There You Go. Hope You enjoyed it.

Till Next Time.

Suzie Panda8


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