~ Louis's cousin part 2 ~

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CHAPTER 2 (Niall's)    We were all out of the water now, but Briana and Louis are fighting about who is driving. "Guys, there are two cars you both can drive" Bridget said solving the problem "oh, ya i forgot about that" Briana said "its ovious just count the cars" Bridget mummbled under her breath. So Bridget, Zayn, Louis, and I are in one car and Liam, Jill, Harry, and Briana in the other. We all ment at Nando's and got our table by the back window so we (One Direction) don't get noticed and mobbed. Louis and Harry were talking, Briana and Jill were talking, Zayn was on his phone, and Liam was lisening to Briana and Jill's convosation, while Bridget just sat there with nothing to do cuz Jill took her phone away. I was getting ready to ask her something when the waiter came "hi my name is Emily and i will be your waiter" she said really happy "hi Emily, nice to meet you" Bridget said being nice "what do you want" Emily asked "i got this" i said "we all will have the Perri Perri chicken with cokes" "OK" Emily said before walking away. "So Bridget vas happen" i asked her "nothing, waiting for my food" she replied "oh Bridget" Briana said "what do you want for your birthday" "Briana i told you not to tell them" Bridget whined "why can't we know your birthday" Liam asked "cuz i don't want you guys making a big deal about my birthday" she answered "so how old are you getting" Harry asked changing the subject "fourteen" Bridget stated prodly "wow, your old" I teased. She pouted and playfully hit my arm "meanie" she said like a four year old "Bridget stop pouting, be a man" Briana told her "i can't" Bridget said "why" Briana asked "cuz i'm already a girl" Bridget said in a duh tone. We all stated to laugh at her words, once the laughter stoped Emily came back with our food "here you go Perri Perri chicken for all" she said "thanks" Bridget said Emily started to walk away but Bridget stoped her "wait i never got your number to hang out" "OMG the Bridget Maglio wants my number" Emily said sarcasticly while she took the napkin Bridget gave her "here you go Emily Dizza's number" she smiled at Bridget "thanks" Bridget said and sat back down. "Bridget did you make a friend" Jill asked shocked "sure did" she replied "how much money did you pay her" Briana joked and looked at me "he payed nothing, i really made a friend myself" Bridget whined.


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