~ Louis's cousin part 2 ~

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CHAPTER 11 (Louis's)    Now that Bridget is calmed down and Jill has an ice pack we cuntinued the party. "Lets go to Nando's" Ed said "OK, let me take Bridget to change" Briana said "but, im already dressed, please don't make me change again" Bridget pleaded "i don't care, your not presentable in your pj's" Briana said. If i know Bridget she's going to play the its my birthday card so lets see what she says. "But Briana it's my birthday" Bridget played the card "shut up and get up stairs NOW" Briana yelled. As they were walking up the stairs you heard Bridget say "its my birthday and your bossing me around" while puting her arms in the air. "Shut up and go" Jill said "I'm going, stop pushing me" Bridget told them. It took like an hour for the girls to come down. "BRIANA MY HAIR IS FINE" Bridget yelled " just trying to make sure" Briana said while passing Jill. "How did you and Jill change" Niall asked "ya you don't have clothes here" Harry added "oh we share clothes, so these are Bridget's" Jill said. Briana was wearing blue jeans with a orange shirt that said party animal and white toms, Jill was wearing green jeans with a white tanktop and a coverup and greeen tenashoes, and Bridget was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt that said being noramal is boaring and these tenashoe heal things. "Bridget can you even walk in them" Ed asked "im fine, i mean i did walk from my room to the living room" she said while making her way to the door. "Ok lets go to Nando's" Niall said and walked out the door with Bridget. Once we  got there Emily seated us "happy birthday by the way Bridget" she said before giving our order to the cook. ITS PAUL PICK UP YOUR PHONE...ITS PAUL PICK UP YOUR PHONE   "Liam your phone is ringing and i think its Paul" Bridget said "well thanks captin Bridget" he said and answered his phone. "Paul, Nando's, yes, sure, ok, bye."  "What did Paulie want" Bridget asked "he's coming to Nando's with a preasent for you" Liam answered. "Paulie has a present for me" she asked "yup and i know what it is" Liam answered just as Paul walked in. "Happy birthday kid" he said and handed her a little box wraped in 1D paper "thank u Paulie" Bridget said while unwraping it. As she opened it her mouth was hanging open "Paulie, you didn't have to" Bridget said getting up to give him a hug "are you kidding all you girls are family now , so ya i had to get you a present" he told her "yet all we get is a happy birthday from you" Niall said "well not everybody can be Paulie's favorite" Bridget said and sat down with her preasent "Louis can you help me" she asked while sitting down next to me. While i was helping Bridget with her necklace that said BRIDGET in green sparkly letters Emily came back with a box "since its your birthday, i figured you needed a preasent" she said and handed Bridget the box "thank you Emily" Bridget said and opened the gift "o my double dimands" she breathed and pulled out a braclet with a little heart that said BFFLE. "what does BFFLE mean" Bridget asked "best friends for like ever, and i have the other one" Emily said while showing off her wrist. 

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