~louis's cousin part 2~

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(Jill's) Chapter 18

Briana called Zayn a girl so now he's pouting in the back seat by Bridget, who's just sitting there looking off into space. "Bridget, are you ok" Harry asked " ya why" she asked confused "you were looking off into space" Niall added "I'm just thinking about stuff" she told them with a small smile "want to talk about it, I'm a good listener" Zayn, who stopped pouting asked "maybe later, but thanks zayn" she told him with a warm friendly smile. "Liam, how much longer till we get to the interview place" Louis whined "30minutes give or take" he replied looking at his watch then the road quickly again. since i was in front, i turned on the radio and 5 seconds of summer's song Amnesia came on and Briana and Bridget sung to Niall and Harry. It was pretty funny if you ask me, Niall would pertend to fall alseep and Bridget would get right next to his ear and scream/sing in it.! When the song ended we were at the interview place as Louis called it and the boys were sat on a couch and we were led to behind the curtains to watch the interview. we were waiting for at least 20 minutes or so and they finally started "so here we have One Direction" the interviewer whos name was Tammy said, and all you heard was screaming, including Bridget's loud mouth that caused the boys to look over at us and smile at us. "so who's single" Tammy asked and Zayn and Louis rasied there hands "well, im sorry boys" she told them "so, you guys have girlfriends" she asked and looked at Liam, Harry, and Niall "tell me about them, you first Harry" "ok, well.....um....her names Briana....shes friends with Lous cousin.......and....um.....i really dont want to lose her, i love her to death" he stated looking right at Bri "I love you too Harry" Bri yelled wich caused the rest of the boys and Tammy look over at us "your girlfriends are here with you" Tammy asked, the boys nodded "then lets bring them out" she said. It took no time at all for Bri to run into Harry's arms, while I walked to Liam and Bridget skip to Niall "ok now that we have them here, tell them how you feel" Tammy demanded "Go Niall" "her names Bridget, shes Lou's cousin, she has the biggest brown eyes that you can get lost in, she's shorter then me, but i love that because she looks up to me and i get to see thise big brown eyes that i love, when she crys, her eyes get a glass look and i just want to hug her until she feels better and tell her evrythings going to be ok, and without her......i would be missing half my soul...because i can honestly say i found my soul mate" he finished and Bridget was just staring at him like a lost puppy "Bridget, what do you say about that" Tammy asked "to that i say...Niall Horan....you are so so so so cheesey....but your my soul mate too" and she gave him the biggest hug ever then pulled away and looked up "do you still love my eyes" she asked and crossed them "yess, even if you looked like that forever, i would still love them" he said. "That was sweet, Liam can you top that" Tammy asked and i looked at him "my girlfriends name is Jillian, she's not just my soul mate...she's my every thing in life, if she feels bad i feel bad, if she's sad im sad, i mean, ya we figh, but what couple dosent figh every now and then right-" he got cut off by Louis's hand going up "I though you were singlr" Tammy asked him "i am, but i dont fight with me, myself, or I" he stated and made the crowd laugh "any way" Liam continued "i guess....what im saying is....."he took a big breath and stood up "Jillian Lee Morris, will you make me the happiest man alive and become Jillian Lee Payne" he asked with hope filled eyes, while mine were filled with tears. "Yes, i will be come Jillian Lee Payne" i finally said after standing there with my hand over my mouth to hold back sobs of joy. The whole place filled with screams of either good complements or bad, but i didnt care nothing in this world could bring me down right now, Liam Payne porposed to me....ME....can you belive it, neither can i, but he did and now im the happiest women in the whole damn world! 

~ Louis's cousin part 2 ~Where stories live. Discover now