~louis's cousin part 2~

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(Briana's). Chapter 17

I hit Liam in the head with a club and now I feel bad. Jill is still mad at me for it so she's not talking to me. We're still in the car and Harry keeps poking bridget in the side making her squeal, Liam turned on the radio so louis, Niall, and Zayn are singing really loud,and I'm just sitting here. When we finally get home and are in the house we decide to watch movie for the rest of the night. we were in the middle if Nemo when the door bell rang and in walks Paul. "you boys should get sum sleep, you have an interview tomorrow at 6:00 am" and walked back out. "Well, you heard the man, get sum sleep" Bridget joked and nudged Niall and Louis who were next to her "Come on boys, you now were the guess rooms are" Niall said and got up kissing Bridget on the forehead. The boys got up and followed "harrrrrryyyyy, where's my kiss" I joked "you didn't give me time to get up" he joked back and kissed my nose then went to our guess room. "we should get sum sleep to, the boys probably want us to go with them tomorrow" Jill stated "ya probably" Bridget agreed, so Bridget went to hers and Niall's room, Jill went to hers and Liam's room, and I heading to mine and Harry's room. since I didn't want to wake up Harry, it tried not to make to much noise I epically failed tho! "Briana, I'm not asleep you don't have to worry about waking me" Harry stated making me jump 10 feet in the air "Jesus Harry, you fucking scared me" I whispered so Zayn doesn't yell at me for taking away time from his beauty sleep. "Sorry love, i just thaught you would want to know" he told me and stripped down to his boxers getting into bed gesturing me to follow after. "come on Briana, get sum sleep" Harry pleaded so i stripped down to my laundray and slipped on one of my faveorite shirts of Harry's, his rolling stone shirt that was to small for him so her gave it to me and got in bed with his arm rapped tight but not to tight around my belly.

*next morring*

I woke up to voices "take the picture, Jill" Louis whispered "im trying" she whispered back "for gods sakes, give me the phone" Bridget whispered yelled. "You guys should work on your whisper skills" I mummbled and felt a vibration only to relize they woke Harry up to "ya, now get the hell out of our room" he said "umm...i belive this is Niall's flat, so its Niall's room" Bridget told him with sass "Bridget" I growled and heard her laugh and walk off, but before she left said "Liam wants everybody up now, for the interview.....your welcome" and ran away laughing at me, because Harry fliped me outta bed. "Styles, you better run" I told him with a laught to let him know that it was a jokeing manner "ooo, im sooo scared" he joked and shook with "fear". As i got off the floor he ran away screaming "suoerman, i need help" and louis screaming back "superman says GO BRIANA" makeing me laugh cuz i have his best mate on MY side. "ok enough, Harry has to get dressed" Liam said when he saw i had Harry pinned to the ground "oooo, Bridget cover your eyes" Niall said and covored her eyes when they came from the kitchen. I let Harry off the ground and he went to get dressed "you should take a shower then get dressed Briana, you stink" Bridget yelled while Niall pushed her in the kitchen to make him pancakes. So that's what I did, I took a shower using my banana scented shampoo and body wash. After my shower I threw on my black skinny jeans and one of Harry's shirts that was hung up. "Briana, we have to leave come on" Zayn yelled "in coming Malik, calm your tits" "I don't have tits, I have nips" he corrected. when I go down the stairs I look at Zayn "are you sure your not a secret girl" I asked then added "Veronica" that got everybody to burst out laughing.

~ Louis's cousin part 2 ~Where stories live. Discover now