Part 16

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The sound of the TV going in the living room and the smell of food wafting through the apartment were enough to rouse Cheryl from her sleep the next morning, causing her to groan quietly as she sat up in the king sized bed. She forgot where she was for a second, but as soon as she got her bearings and saw the white walls and the black and white themed bed with the black leather headboard, as well as the large window where the curtains were drawn back and there was light coming in, she remembered that she was staying at Liam's place. She breathed out and threw the covers back, grabbing her phone before lazily making her way out of the room and down to the guest room to go wake Sophia. However, she stopped dead in her tracks when she realized the bed was all made up and Sophia wasn't there.

"Sophia!" she called as she walked through to the living room-kitchen area of the apartment. She then looked over at Liam, who had looked up because from the stove where he'd been making them breakfast.

"I took her to nursery for you." Liam explained, smiling over at her. Cheryl gave a slightly confused look before looking at her phone that was in her hand, her eyes going wide when she saw the time;


"Liam, wait why didn't you wake me up? I have to be at work and-" she was saying before Liam cut her off.

"No babe; your brother came by here early this morning just before me and Sophia left – he said to tell you to stay home today and he'd handle everything at the office and he, Kimberley, and Nicola would work together to handle your work as well, but you needed a day off. He said he was going to text you and stuff about it." He explained. Cheryl stared at him for a second before looking back at her phone, now noticing that Garry had indeed text her a couple hours prior.

<<Garry: 8:13am – Hey sis. I've already come 'round and talked to Liam, but we're having you take the day off today. Just relax, get your head sorted out. We've got everything at the office; me and Kim and Nic will handle your work, etc. We got this! Rest; I don't say this enough but I love you <3>>

"Wow; this is just – unexpected; but maybe I do need a day off." She breathed out as she sat down on the stool at Liam's island counter. She smiled as he came around and kissed her cheek, keeping his arm around her shoulder.

"You did, babe, whether you realized it or not." He told her. Cheryl nodded her head, smiling up at him before watching as he went back over to finish cooking up their breakfast. While he was doing that, Cheryl went ahead and text her brother back, knowing she just had to thank him for helping her out.

<<10:28am – Bro, thank you so much seriously! I did need this day off; thank you honestly. I'll try and get my head sorted and I'll be back in tomorrow; see you later <3 I love you too!>>

She then put her phone down before coming up beside Liam, wrapping her arm around his waist as she looked at what he was making. Her mouth watered at the sight of delicious looking, fluffy golden pancakes that were already on a plate on the counter, as well as some juicy looking sausage links, and crispy pieces of bacon that were waiting as well. Now, to finish off their breakfast, Liam was making some incredibly tasty looking scrambled eggs with cheese melted in – all the food smelling absolutely incredible and causing Cheryl's stomach to grumble. Liam looked down at her and smiled, wrapping his spare arm around her.

"I hope you're hungry; I may have gone a bit overboard – I think I forgot it was just us two." He chuckled softly, squeezing her into him. She giggled a bit, squeezing him and kissing his cheek.

Cheryl x Liam: InevitableWhere stories live. Discover now