Clockwork (5/5)

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Congratulations, you've made yourself

A clockwork man,

Parts all ticking away according to plan,

There's no shine of surprise,

In your dull and lifeless eyes.

Congratulations, you've made yourself

A clockwork man.

You can now do so much more than

When you were flesh and being,

Now you're a lifeless thing.

Congratulations, you've made yourself

A metal man.

You can do whatever you normally can,

But there's no spirit nor spark.

And your mind grows slowly dark.

Congratulations, you've made yourself

A broken man.

Shiny bronze metal all spick and span.

Although you look well adjusted,

Inside, your parts are rusted.

Commiserations, you've made yourself

Barely a man.

In doing so you killed your emotion span.

Working better but not yourself,

Soul traded for human wealth.

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