The Story Of My Life

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                                            Chapter One.

Ring - Ding - Ding!!!!! Goes my phone in the middle of math class. "Sorry miss, I need to take this, its my agent." I say. " Fine Amber, but be quick!" I walk out winking at Kealy across the room. I had auditioned for the new movie (Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters) last month and have been expecting a call this week. "Amber you got the part!" "OMIGOD that's great John!" "Yeah I know! They seen you as Primrose in the hunger games and said that they had to have you star in this movie! Anyways I'll seen you at the studio in LA in two days. Bye!" "Thanks John! bye." I hang up and walk back into the class. Kealy looks at me and mimes "did you get it?" I nod at her and smile. I sit back down beside Ally who is my best friend next to Kealy. "What was all that about?" she says. " Ohh I just got a call from my agent, I got the part in a big movie!" "OMIGOD THAT'S BRILLIANT!!!!" She says. "When do you leave?"  "Two days" I say " But I'll be back again a few weeks after that to walk the red carpet and everything like that."  "That's so........

"Amber and Ally! Stop talking and listen up!" says Miss Írle. "Sorry Miss!" we say.

-----------------AFTER SCHOOL ENDS-------------------------------

"So are you excited" says Kealy as we walk back to my house. "Yeah totally, but I'm really gonna miss you and the rest of the guys" "You're gonna be brilliant you know that! but I'm gonna miss you so much! Promise you'll keep me updated on all the cute boys you meet!" she says. "Well I wouldn't be you're best friend if I didn't! I say with a laugh!

------------TIME SKIPS ON TO THE DAY OF THE MOVE----------------

I wake up exhausted and not wanting to get up. My mom comes in and tells me that I'm late and I'm gonna miss my flight if I don't get up straight away. I get washed and I stick on a pair of sweat pants and a black tank top that has the words "That Boy" written across it. My agent picks me up and I say goodbye to my family. I hop into the limo and drive across to Kealys house. When she see's me she slides into the limo. "Amber I'm really gonna miss you!" she sighs "I know I'm really gonna miss you two!" we hug for a little while and then sit in silence. "How is it going with David?" "Ohh he's taking me out for brunch after I finish saying goodbye to you at the airport, I think he likes me! like this is the second time he asked me out on a date!" she says happily. We pull up at the airport, I start crying and so dose she. "Please don't go! She weeps! "I wish you could come with me but I have to go, look David will start to cry if you don't go with him" I say. "Okay but I love you and I'm gonna miss you so much! Have a great time and be a star!" "Okay, Love you, bye......" I say.    

We hug and wave until I enter the airport and then the she leaves.


I watch her walk away, tears stream down my face. I wont see her for like another seven months and then after that all the camera men won't leave us alone and she'll have to do like load's of interviews and blah blah blah.

Without thinking I run after her onto the plane.

"AMBER WAIT!!!!!" I scream madly

"What are you doing!" shouts Tom the limo driver


I run onto the plane making sure the air hostess doesn't catch me.

I see Amber hunched up in the back row listening to music on her IPOD. I grab the seat beside her and sit down.

"Hello Miss is this seat free?" I chuckle

" Yeah sur....... OMIGOD KEALY! how did you get here!?" she screams

"Well first of all we have to be quiet because the air hostess doesn't know I'm on board. And second of all I couldn't bear to see you go so I got on board with out thinking"

"That's BRILLIANT!" She laughs.

And we laugh and chat until the plane lands

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