Falling for Luke

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                                             Chapter six.

As I wake up I realise I'm not in that dark, filthy alleyway more.

Bushy brown hair covers my view. I sit up trying to take in my surroundings.

"W-Were am I" I ask

"Don't worry you're safe now" I hear a soft voice say.

I turn around and see a really handsome boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He seems really sweet.

"Who are you?" I question

"Oh I'm Luke, Luke Friend." He replies.

I look down at my arms. There all wrapped up in bandages.

"Did you save me?" I say

"Well I wouldn't call it saving" He says with a cute smile on his face.

"What was that man going to do to me?" I say a bit afraid of what the answer might be.

"You don't want to know" He says quietly "But you're safe now, with me" He reassures me.

His chocolate brown eyes sparkle as he speaks. His cheekbones are so amazing and I can't help but reach in for a kiss.

His lips press of mine softly but amazingly. He feels so warm and I feel so secure around him.

Then all of a sudden Zayn bursts into the room and looks hurt.

He slams the door behind him and storms of.

I shrug and continue to make out with Luke but he pulls away.

"You should go after him" He sighs

"W-W-Why?" I studded

"Because I can see that he loves you" Luke mumbles

"Well, Okay" I say "But here" I hand him my number

He smiles at me as I walk of and says "Oh and Amber, if you end up in any alley way, I'll be right there"

I smile and run out the door.

I find Zayn, in the alleyway I ended up in last night.

He's sitting there smoking.

I go over and sit in front of him.

"You have something to say" I say glaring at him.

"What did I do?" He questions "One minute you're walking the red carpet and the next you're making out with a stranger!"

"Are you f***ing trying to blame this all on me!?" I curse

"I walk the red carpet and instead of seeing you cheer me on yo-" as I'm talking he rolls his eyes.

"You know what?, F*** YOU! " I shout and run off.

Whoo! Drama! What team are you team Luke or team Zayn!? Comment to let me know! Bye my little honey pops! -Erio

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