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                                            Chapter three.

     Kealy lays on the couch stuffing her face with ice cream.

"What happened in there?" I ask

"Well I told David I was here in LA with you and he freaked out! She explains.   "He said he was waiting for me yesterday (Like an idiot) and I never showed up."

"I'm sure he didn't mean it, Maybe he was just in a bad mood and was shocked that you are now across the other side of the world." I say trying to help

"BEEP BEEP" goes her phone

She picks it up and reads the text message.

I watch her face as she reads the text.

She throws herself onto the floor and screams and cries.

"What's wrong honey!?" I say worriedly

"H-h-he broke up with me! IN A TEXT!!!" She screams through tears

"Oh my God! That mean, selfish, horrible, f***er!" I shout

"Don't worry he will NEVER deserve you"

"I-I-IN A TEXT!" she sobs

"Don't worry Kealy tomorrow you are going to meet the biggest boy band in the world! I bet you will be going out with Niall by next week!" I say trying to cheer her up.

"I guess" She weeps "But David was just perfect! I loved him so much and I threw it all away by just forgetting to text him!"

"Look Kealy, you're funny, weird, pretty, amazing and tons of other things, he's just too blind to see it" I explain

"O-O-Okay" She mumbles "Can we watch a movie?"

We sit down huddled up on the couch and watch the 'The Notebook' and 'Mean Girls' like a billion times until we both fall asleep.

The next day I wake up covered in ice cream, sweat, tears and snot.

I see Kealy lying across from my covered in the same things.

I look at my phone and see that its already 07:15. I curse and jump off the couch, startled and dizzy.

I throw on some Hollister jeans, UGG's  and a Hollister sweater and  grab my phone, my baby lips and tie up my hair and stick in a cute bow just like one of my friends taught me.

I push Kealy and she gets up slowly saying "David?"

I leave her there for a second while she gets dressed and I put on a bit of my Bobbi Brown foundation and do my eyebrows.

Walking back into the room I realise that she still looks the same.

"AW come on Kealy" I explain "I'm already late and One Direction will be waiting for you."

She just groans so I clean her up, brush a bit of make up onto her face and get the limo driver to carry her down the stairs and into the limo.

We finally arrive on set and the minute Kealy spots 1D her mood changes completely.

She runs over and jumps on Niall's back.

"Sorry" I say rushing over. "She's a bit excited!"

"Its okay" Explains Niall " This is reality fro us!"

"Lucky you's" I say sarcasticly and storm off.

Its not that the boys did anything wrong, I just find them annoying.

I start acting the scene but with the corner of my eye I see Zayn staring at my dumbly.

I start to get really frustrated and stomp over.

"Why do you keep staring at me" I say using a harsh tone

"Sorry" says Zayn "Its just, You're beautiful"

HI PEOPLE!!!! This was my longesttttt chapter! WOOP WOOP for me!

Thanks for reading! If your enjoying so far then read on, if not, still read on! Love you's my little honey pop's! So long! -Erio






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