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                                               Chapter five.

Today is the day I go back to Ireland temporarily.

My designer Steve picked out a royal blue sleeveless dress for me with a pair of wine heels. I get changed slowly but Steve urges me to get a move on.

"Aw come on Amber, the red carpet can't wait forever!"

"Sorry Steve" I apologise

I text Kealy asking her if Zayn was waiting with her.

I'm really good friends with Zayn now, he's coming to Ireland with me to meet my friends and family, so is Kealy but she's still working on fixing things up with David.

I finish getting fitted into my 'red carpet dress' and Steve packs it into my bag. I walk back to my apartment to finish packing and I find a letter on the counter.    It reads.........

Hi Amber! Kealy here! I just found out that my mom booked me a flight home earlier than I thought so that means I won't be flying home with you. :( I'll miss you but at least I'll see you when were back home.

Anyway look on the bright side, you and you're future husband can have some alone timeLots Of Love - You're BEST friend Kealy XOXO

I put the letter down and sigh. "Oh Kealy!" I laugh

I hear a knock on the door, as I open the door I see a perfect looking face, its Zayn.

"Hello handsome!" I say jokingly

"Hey Amber" He says with that crooked smile I just love

"Come on we'll miss our flight if we don't get out of here now" I explain

We walk out of the apartment and catch a taxi.


The plain starts to tilt upwards and before I know it were in the air.

I watch Zayn. He looks so hot when he's sleeping.

When we land he wakes up and carries my bags out of the plain and into the limo. As we're walking I hear someone shouting



I laugh as we make a run for the limo.

Steve dresses me in the blue dress and heels. I see flashing lights and my fellow actors as I walk out onto the carpet. 

I see all my class mates watching me behind the bars (Kealy amongst them) I take a few pictures with them all and walk on. I can't see Zayn at all so I continue signing autographs and taking photos.

All of a sudden I see Zayn, but he's not there cheering me on he's there making out with another girl! I feel tears streaming down my face. He's not even my boyfriend but I feel so betrayed and upset. I run as fast as I can. I throw my heels away and just keep running.

I find myself in a dark alleyway. My dress is ripped and I'm half naked.

Everywhere smells like alcohol. I lie down on the filthy ground and start to cry. I have to admit a part of me loved him.

I hear a faint laugh in the distance. The laugh gets louder and louder and I feel a cold hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong baby!" I hear a cold voice say.

I look up and see a tall man. He's drunk and I start to feel really scared.

"Haha, baby, are you okay." He laughs. He bends down and kisses me strongly. I try to pull away but he pulls me in closer.

"Oh you didn't like that did you?!" He chuckles

"Y-Y-You PIG!" I shout. I try to punch him, but he takes my wrist and snaps it. I squeal in pain but he just laughs.

"P-P-Please let me go!" I scream. I go for another punch but he pulls out a knife from his pocket and slides it across my wrist. The blood is going everywhere and the last thing I see is a fist going for the man's face.

Hi guys! I hope you liked that chapter! I think it was my best one so far.

Anyway let's get to the point! /Comment/




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