The arrival

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                                             Chapter two.

When we got off the plane we collected our bags and met up with John.

"Hey Amb-' wait who's this with you?"

"Oh hi John, this is my best friend Kealy, she jumped onto the plane after me! I explain

"Well hello Kealy, My name is John and I'm Ambers agent!"

"Heyyy John! Nice meeting you!" says Kealy

"Well anyway getting down to business Amber meet us in the studio

at 07:00 am and we'll start filming then." John says

"Yep that's perfect John! See you there! " I say as we start to walk away.

"Oh and I almost forgot" Shouts John "One Direction will be in the studio to pick up a few things, you are welcome to meet with with them if you want."


She starts doing a really weird dance and singing "Best Song Ever"

"I don't know what all the fuss is about them" I exclaim "They can't sing and they are not even good looking!"


We discuss this dilemma the whole way to my apartment.


When we arrive at my apartment I start to unpack while Kealy walks around "awing" at everything. saying "Oh my gosh you never told me you had this!" and "OMIGOD you never showed me that!" I laughed as she ran around my apartment excitedly.

"I seriously can't believe I'm in LA with my best friend, living in you're awesome apartment and am going to meet the One Direction tomorrow!!!!!" She squealed

"Haha yeah I'm so happy that you randomly jumped on that plane!" I chime "Oh and I forgot to ask if you texted David to tell him you were in LA with me"

Kealy freezes in her tracks and dives onto her suitcase to get her phone. I'm guessing she didn't tell David. She runs into her room and jumps onto her bed. I start to open the ice cream tin because I think there might be a few tears shed.

I hear shouting and a lot of crying from her room, I was right.

Hi guyssss! sorry this chapter was really short but I hope you thought it was good!






Keep reading my little honey pops! -Erio

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