Chapter 7 {A New Start}

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I wake up in my now familiar bedroom, glancing at the clock which reads 6:02, quickly pulling off the covers and jumping out of bed, my feet hitting the ground with a dull thud. I walk sluggishly to the bathroom and roughly swing it open, wincing at the bang as it hits the wall. I walk in and am energized partially by the cold tile floor, bathed with a soft light of the rising sun through the window. I walk over to the sink, putting my hands on either side of the round dip I the marble counter before turning the brass handle and the water rushing out in a gentle stream. Cupping my hands under the spout, I let the cold rushing liquid let it pool in my hand. Quickly I splash it in my face, letting the cold shock me awake.

I continue to get ready, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, combing my unruly curly hair, and putting in my contacts. I don't like glasses because I used to wear them, but I only ever got teased. I grab my hair straightener off of the counter and switch it on, doing my hair to get rid of the curls. I haven't done it for a while, but it always seems to cut back a bit the bullying. After a few minutes I set it down, my hair being almost pin-straight. I look at the mirror and study my features. My dull blonde hair, my heterocromic eyes, my dumb pimples, just my ugliness in general. I know I'm ugly because I've been told it by every single bully, and no one has every called me pretty.

I wipe a tear away as I stumble back into my bedroom and over to my dresser, pulling out my new "Enderman Inside" t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I change into my clothes, trying my best to ignore when the jeans clutched my newly bandaged cuts. I look up at the mirror and study my eyes. After a minute I reach up and brush my bangs forward and let it fall over my left eye, the brown one. I nod partially to myself and walk out of the room, being careful to be as quiet as possible, in case Adam is still asleep. I carefully walk down the stairs, wincing each time I put my foot down until I meet the wood floor of the downstairs hallway. I walk to the kitchen to find it empty. I sigh as I walk to the fridge and open if, spotting a carton of eggs. I pull it out, carefully setting it down next the stove. Adam had showed me where everything was the day before after the Skype call, so I'm able to quickly pull together enough scrambled eggs for the both of us.

I hear heavy footsteps behind me entering the room, and I turn to see a groggy Adam.

"Well look who slept in this time," I taunt jokingly. He yawns, looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh be quiet. Thanks for making eggs, by the way," he adds. I smile.

"It's the least I could do," I reply. He pulls out a chair sitting down as I place the plate in front of him. I grab my own plate and some forks off of the counter and place it down in my spot, sitting down in my chair and scooting forward.

"How's your leg doing?" he asks, taking a bite of his eggs. I bite my lip.

"Fine," I say, taking a small bite of my own eggs. I'm not very hungry suddenly.

"Good," he replies, smiling slightly, "By the way, I'm driving you to school. We're going to have a little talk with the principal." he says as he eats. I simply nod, taking in what he just said. Two things could occur from that. The bullying could get worse or come to a stop. But I'm willing to take that risk.

---Time Skip to Arriving at School---

Adam pulls into a parking spot near the front of the school, turning off the ignition and climbing out. I slowly drag myself out, half limping, as the cold made the cuts sting. I slowly walk along he sidewalk, Adam walking next to me, a bit farther in front. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Chelsea and Allison walking towards us.

"Hey Blondie, who's your boyfriend?" Chelsea taunts. I cringe, but I sense Adam's anger rise.

"For your information, I'm Adam, Jess's legal guardian," he says, and they're eyes widen.

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