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My name is Jessica Maine. I was born with Heterochromia, and grew up without a dad. My sister went missing in New York on a ski trip, and my mom died shortly afterwards from brain cancer. I was taken in by abusive foster parents, Helen and Andrew, and lost my popularity, friends, and voice. I became depressed, but continued to watch YouTube videos even though my friends used to watch them with me. One day, Helen slapped me in a café, and I was rescued by none other than SkyDoesMinecraft. He took me in and adopted me, and I moved in with him. He helped me get protection from bullying at school, and he found my sister, and introduced me to one I had never met.

For the holidays, I spent my time goofing off with my family, and when I got back to school, met my crush, Xander. Then, the Impossible Storm hit, and we were forced to evacuate the state, and head down to Arizona. Before we could get to Oregon, I was sucked out of the car and onto one of the snowdrifts, where I was unconscious for over two weeks. After walking for a bit, I ran into a group of college students and Xander, and we traveled together all the way to the Arizona border. We continued to travel to Tucson, and about two miles from the city, I was attacked by a pit bull while trying to save another pit bill puppy.

I woke up in a hospital in Tucson, where Adam and Xander had carried me to. Adam had saved me once more. I found out the Xander liked me, and we became a couple. I healed enough that I was able to travel, and we drove all the way to LA. When we got there, I found one of my old best friends, Alison Diebay. After that we began to live a normal life again. Then, for the first time ever I talked to my dad. It was a casual, ten minute talk, but it was one of the best moments of my life. Now, I have my friends, family and followers supporting me, and I could never be more thankful. They made me who I am today. It's been nine months since the storm started last February, yet it's still going. Almost everyone is safe at this point, and nothing really has changed. Life goes on, just as always.

Gwen, Joyce, Xander, Alison, and I formed what we call The Orediggers, as first suggested by Joyce. Everyone likes it, and we're all happy with it. We do videos constantly with Team Crafted, Adam in particular, and it's great. I already have about eight hundred thousand Badasses [Remember, her name on YouTube was BadassMinecraftGirl, as said in Chapter 13]. Joyce has almost the same as me, only about one-hundred less. We all have about the same amount of subs, and I'm at the top, but not by much.

We've met many fans over the months, either while shoveling, shopping in town, at a restaurant, you name it. With so many people packed into only a few states, it get pretty easy to meet people. Jerome is starting to move on from Louise and slowly becoming his old self again. I'm happy to see him talking a lot again, usually cheerfully, and not just sulking in his room and being silent. As I type this [CRACKING THE FOURTH WALL BOYAH], I can here him shouting at Mitch as they record. Just makes me even more aware of how loud they are.

The reason I've written all of this is to tell you of my experiences. All the events that have led up to where I am now. It helps me just let go of all the bad moments and cherish the good ones. And it teaches you all of the hardships you can face in life, and how many of them have had an impacted on my life. Well, to all you Wattpaders out there [FOURTH WALL BROKEN INTO TINY PIECES], stay strong. We can make it through this storm together. Maybe one day it will all be the same again, but we just have to endure till then. And to think, we used to complain about having to shovel in ordinary blizzards. Look at us now. Toughened up by the harsh months this storm has been upon us.

You all now know of what I've been through since I met Adam, but what you don't know, is how my life was when I was younger, when I was still best friends with Chelsea and Blake, one of the populars. You don't know what it was like when Gwen disappeared, and at my mom's funeral. You don't know the trials I endured at the orphanage, and the tortures I was put through with Helen and Andrew. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I can tell you about it. How about I start at the beginning of ninth grade, a few months before my fourteenth birthday...


There you go people.

This is the end of Only You Can Save Me.

If you want to find out more, go check out the prequel, coming soon.

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See you gems in the prequel! *fwoop*

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