Where you go on dates

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Zabdiel: Dinner at home. Believe it or not, you and Zabdiel like to have meals at your house. Sometimes you would order pizza and other times you you'll both cook something. While cooking, you'll make each other laugh and dance until dinner's ready. And as your food settles down, you'll lie in bed together for the longest time before falling asleep.

Christopher: To play soccer late at night. It's usually for him to just practice and have some distressing time but other times you'll pass the ball around and end up fight for it while laughing uncontrollably . He'll wrap his arms around you to move you out of the way to get to the ball first. It's a fun date night and it's good exercise for both of you.

Richard: The carnival. You both like going on rides such as the ferries wheel and the carousel. Your favorite time to go would be at night when the colorful lights lit up. The night will usually end with a stomach full of popcorn, sweets, and soda.

Joel: Coffee dates. You'll just meet up at the coffee shop around October when the leaves turn orange, the wind starts picking up, and teardrops fall from the sky. You'll get all sorts of different coffee and pan dulce and then pick a table by the window to watch the rain fall as you talk about conspiracy theories, opinions, and funny memes.

Erick: The beach. You'll drive up to the coast (depending on where you live) or walk there and have the whole day planned out. You'll bring sandwiches, chips, and fruit to eat for lunch and have cold pasta for dinner. Splashing and chasing each other happens a lot, more often than it should. You'll sometimes lay in the sand together still soaking wet from the water. And other times you'll both swim peacefully and let the waves carry your weight.



I know I should be focused on school right now...


There's this Salvadorian guy in my Human Geo class and well...

He's kinda cute...

And I like Human Geo...

But I can't really concentrate with him sitting a seat away from me...


Guess who got a B in Human Geo because of that... *points at self*

And it's not that I like him, it's just that I appreciate the structural beauty of his face. That's not having a crush on someone.

I don't even know him so it's kinda impossible to have a crush on him.

Bye bye!


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