Chapter 62: Onward

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(Picture: My friends emiliematula realbeliever before the football game yesterday! We creamed our arch rivals 24-7 😈)
David's POV:
I'm going to visit my family this weekend but I don't want to leave Liza alone. So I invited her to come with me.
I know my family will love her! She hasn't met them yet because they live so far away. I can't wait to see Toby! And of yeah my other siblings too....
David: "Ready to go Liza? I'm all packed."
Liza: "Well finally took you long enough." (Chuckles)
David: "Ok I'll call us an uber."
Liza: "Sounds great. I can't wait to meet your family."
She kisses my cheek and we leave.
Author's Note:
I know I suck. I'm a day late in updating and this isn't even a good update. Yesterday I had band pictures and marched in the marching band at the football game. Frankemuthd biggest rival is Millington and we beat them!!! I promise the next update will be really good. I have a shit ton of homework to do. I have Spanish, Algebra, Biology, and English. Anyways.... Now it's time for question of the day!
Q: Favorite Disney movie?
A: Peter Pan ✨
Abby <3

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