Chapter 70: Goodbye

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(Picture: Brian's pretty cool 👌🏻☺️)
David's POV:
Liza and I are packing up to go back to LA. My family absolutely loved her and I'm so happy I got to see my family, especially Toby.
Ha I'm kidding! Eh not really....
Liza and I are in the taxi waving to my family as we drive down the street. My throat feels tight and I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I don't want to leave.

(AN: this video made me cry

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(AN: this video made me cry.)
Liza: "Don't cry baby, we'll see them again soon."
He rubs my hand soothing me. I kiss her hand and wipe my tears with my other hand.
Liza: "I love you."
David: "I love you too."
We look deep into each other's eyes.
I hear an awkward cough coming from our über, oops, I mean taxi driver.
David: "Sorry sir."
Driver: "Oh it's ok, I remember what it's like to be young and in love. Enjoy it. You'll never when it's going to leave you. My wife died a couple of years we got married. A few weeks ago was the 10 year anniversary from when she passed. Now don't say I'm sorry or anything because there is nothing that can be done. I'm just giving you guys a life lesson. Never let go of each other."
As he finishes we pull up to the airport.
Liza rubs his shoulder.
Liza: "Thank you sir."
Driver: "No problem sweetheart."
(Time lapse to the plane)
Liza and I take our seats on the plane. Liza of course gets the window seat so she can take an artsy picture.

 Liza of course gets the window seat so she can take an artsy picture

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David: "Happy?" (Chuckles)
Liza: "Yes very happy."
She rest her head on my shoulder and we drift off to sleep.
Author's Note:
Hope ya'll enjoyed! My thumbs hurt 😂 I hope you all have a wonderful day/night/afternoon! Remember you are worth it and you are loved and don't ever doubt that! Now it's time for question of the day!
Q: What time is it right now?
A: 7:23 PM
Abby <3

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