9. All I wanted

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Meghan's POV

We arrived to Ashley's party and she gave us the freshest of the welcomes ever. She's very kind and friendly. Jojo was at her side receiving people too. Maybe the party is just for breaking a record against Justin and Ryan,  I don't know, maybe something like that.

The party was amazing, there were lots of people shouting and eating and drinking water (Jojo and Ashley don't want to be the victims of an arrest for giving alcohol so that's why we have to drink water instead of wine, but it's even better for health) and the DJ was amazing. He was playing the best songs in the party and the music videos were projected on the wall. Jojo and Ashley made a very good job with the organization.

Me and Charlie sat down in one of the smallest tables near to the dance floor and we were eating pizza and drinking water.

"What do you want to do?" He asked

"I don't know, what do we have in this party?"

"We are eating, and that's one of the attractions here, there's dancing, there's singing..."

"Why don't we go to dance?" I interrupted

"I think it's a great idea, let's go then"

I grabbed Charlie's hand to go to dance and he looked very excited. It was better than dancing with Nick. Me and Charlie went to the center of the dance floor and we did nothing but being crazy.


Charlie's POV

We've been dancing for at least two hours and I'm not tired yet. It has been amazing. Meghan and I are dancing in the middle of the dance floor, together.

The only kind of music playing was dance and electronic music, there was no classical music, ballads, something full of tranquility... nothing like that but it was ok, at the end of the day, I'm enjoying this and it's completely worth it.

Meghan had been singing with the music since it begun playing and I've been too. She's got one of the greatest of the voices ever existed and I still can't believe she isn't mine, sadly, but I must admit she's great as a friend but I would prefer her as something else, something better.


We made three hours dancing and luckily, we aren't tired and I've liked every single moment from this party, literally.

Right now, the classical music begun playing and many couples are dancing with it. I know me and Meghan aren't a couple but it doesn't mean we can't dance to it together.

Meghan wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist and begun dancing.

"Which has been your favorite moment today?" She asked

"I don't know, maybe when we had to walk to the mall and we were very tired, I must admit It was funny."

"Yeah, I also liked that"

"And what was your favorite moment from today?"

"Maybe leaving Nick alone was my favorite one, he deserved it"

"He really did"

"What did you say?"


"Ok" she said pulling me closer "and what did you hate the most?"

"I don't know, I liked almost the whole day"

"I did too"

"So then why are you asking me that?"

"Just to know"

With every phrase she was pulling me closer and closer, so I did too.

Then a super romantic song begun playing and I saw Ashley and Jojo with the DJ looking at us lovely, maybe the time had come, maybe she chose me instead of Nick, maybe she... she loves me.

Meghan and I were getting closer and closer until our noses had contact, I felt magic beginning to fill me.

"I love you" we whispered together

Meghan was surprised when she heard those words from me, and I also got petrified when I heard it. It was amazing to me, maybe she's mine.

Our noses separated to give our lips contact with each other's and then, I felt just like if my world evaporated into nothing. It was amazing, I've never felt like that before, never.

It was an amazing feeling, everything fitted perfectly, she was the puzzle piece I was missing and she filled it. She made me feel better.

But then a thought invaded me: Nick

I separated my lips from Meghan's and she looked at me intrigued.

"What happens?" She asked

"What will we do with Nick?"

"It'll be alright, we're not letting him ruin us, we won't"

"We won't" and we continued the kiss and Jojo and Ashley took a million photos of us. I felt ridiculous. I mean it. But it was ok. I had Meghan's lips kissing mine and that was all I wanted.

We separated and we were really ashamed when we saw Jojo and Ashley cheering us but that's ok. They're Meghan's friends and I know they wouldn't do anything to her.

Meghan and I kept kissing the next minutes and I must admit I felt like if I was on paradise.

Nick's POV

Meghan left me alone in the restaurant. How the hell she could reject me? I mean, I'm Nick Jonas!

I knew were she could be tonight. I heard about a party thrown by Meghan's besties and how isn't she going to go?

I went to the party and I went to look for Meghan but I found something worse: Meghan and Charlie KISSING!

She made me feel like if I was nothing but disturb in her life. I'll let her kiss Charlie today but tomorrow, Charlie is going to pay what he did to me today.

Meghan's friends didn't see me and that makes me feel fine and full of tranquility. I took a photo of them and went to my house.

Back there, I posted the photo on my Instagram account, on twitter, on Facebook, I also made a musical.ly with it, I posted it on every social media account I had. Puth is going to adore me, I know he will.

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