A whole new Leah

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   "Hey, I'm Summer" Chimes the blonde haired girl in the array of colorful clothes as she proffers her hand across the wall to me. "You must be the new neighbors. My mam told me yous would be moving in this week"

   "Yeah, Hi" I shake her hand cautiously with a tight smile. "I'm Leah" 

It's not even nine in the morning and she's this cheerful.

   "You're about my age, right? I'm seventeen" I nod in reply "Cool. Oh are you going to the tech? I've just started sixth year, maybe we'll be in the same classes. speaking of school, there's a party in one of the guys houses tonight if you'd like to come with me?" She speaks quickly, barely taking a breath.

   "I don't know, I..."

   "Sounds like a good opportunity to meet some of your classmates" My mother intervenes, carrying a box in her arms. "Maybe you'll make some new friends, so long as you don't get into trouble"

   "Don't worry, I'm never in trouble" Summer smiles angelically at my mother.

   "A good influence, maybe you should stick with her" My mother tells me quietly, turning and entering the house with a box.

I met this girl less then two minutes ago and already she's convinced my mother she's good; but in my experience, good girls never go to house parties on Friday nights, not unless they have a wild streak.

   "I think I'll pass, I don't have anything to wear" I lie, okay it isn't exactly a lie, more of a little fib; of course I had clothes, they just didn't suit my new persona.

My parents and I moved here for a fresh start. A quiet one with no trouble; so i decided to take this new beginning to change who I am. Better myself.

She scans me, glancing at my ripped denim jeans, white t-shirt and white Dr Marten boots. "My clothes should fit you" She nods mentally confirming it with herself.

Her clothes?I look her up and down. She's currently wearing purple converse, pink jeggings and a matching tie-dye top I know I want a new image but I don't think that's what I had in mind. "You can borrow one of my dresses"

   "I don't know..."

   "Oh come on, who doesn't love a good end of summer party" She raises a perfectly arched eyebrow at me. "And did I mention there'll be hot fellas too"

   "Fine" I sigh in defeat knowing there's no way this conversation will end unless I agree to go.

   "Awesome. I guess I'll see you later then" She says perkily.  "Gotta go, going shopping with my friends. You're welcome to join if you want"

I start shaking my head before she even finishes her sentence. "I have a lot to get done here" I force a smile.

   "Okay, bye" She chirps and sets off. Her long blonde hair dancing in the wind.

   "Give her a chance" My mother says from behind me.

   "But she's so... vibrant" I gaze after the array of colors practically skipping down the street.

   "You could do with a nice female friend" My mother emphasizes the word nice.

   "And here I thought you loved Aaron" I grin teasingly and she sighs at me before strolling off to retrieve another box.


I knocked the front door and nervously waited for it to be answered. I've never in all my life been so afraid to try on an outfit.

   "Hey" Summer opens the door and returns inside, leaving the door open for me to follow her.

I cautiously step inside. On the left is the sitting room door, which is cracked open enough to reveal whom I cam only assume to be, Summer's parents. They're so engrossed in what they're watching that they don't even notice me.

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