This feeling

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I wait until I hear the door close completely and the lock turn before bursting into laughter. Wait, lock?

   "Did you just lock us in?" I ask, my head popping up from the far side of the bed, half way across the room.

    "Don't worry the key is in the door if you wanna leave" He says amused by my sudden panic. He returns to the bed, still holding my plastic cup. "What's in this?" He asks, taking a sip of it, before I can even answer. "7Up?" He glares bemusedly at me and places it on the bedside locker.

I nod my head and gracefully stand up form the floor. Pulling the hem of my dress down before sitting on the edge of the bed. "Alcohol may be my friend but I'm not it's. It usually gets me into trouble so we're taking time apart"

Flynn snickers at me and climbs back onto his position on the bed, which is the side near me. I mean why not sit in the center? It's all his bed.

    "So the school's 'bad boy' lives with William Turner?" I turn to face him, continuing our conversation.

Flynn resumes the film trying to ignore my questions.

    "Yeah, ya can't really choose who your mam falls in love with" He finally interjects.

    "Your mam's marrying his dad? That's so sweet. When's the wedding?"

    "Couple of months" He says in a bored tone. He eyes flickering from the TV to me. "You don't exactly strike me as the kind of girl who'd like weddings"

    "Who doesn't love weddings?" I quiz, bemusedly. "Two people promising their eternal love to each other. It's cute" Flynn says nothing but just resumes the movie, shaking his head slightly. "So does everyone at school know you and Will are brothers?"

   "No, only Benji and a few of Will's friend, but they won't say anything. They're too afraid of me to" Hew says without taking his attention from the TV.

I slip my feet out of my heels and crawl across Flynn's legs to the emptier side of the bed. I cross my legs and place a cushion between my legs so that Flynn can't get a glimpse up my dress.

    "Make yourself comfy, why don't ya?" Flynn glares at me, pausing the TV yet again. If he keeps doing that he'll never get to the end of it.

    "Thanks" I say with a sarcastic grin, pushing my fringe from out of my eyes. Flynn's glare hardens. "What? You'd swear you never had a girl in your room before!" Flynn's glare falters slightly. His eyes flicker away momentarily. "Holy shit, you've never had a girl in here?" I gasp giddily.

    "And risk girls finding out about Will, like you just have" He admits, rolling his eyes at my giddiness of this discovery. "Are you going to piss off or what? I'm trying to watch a film"

    "Oh pretending to be the hard man" I say mockingly.

    "Pretending? Oh that's right, nobody's as bad as Ms trouble over here" He smirks sarcastically at me but his eyes are twinkling with amusement. "so bad-ass she's hiding on her nerdy boyfriend"

    "He's not my boyfriend" I huff. If only Flynn had been downstairs to witness Anthony's continuous offering of his hoodie to cover me up or suggesting that we leave, and not for any other reason but to get me home, alone! "Not that it matters to you anyway" I conclude coldly.

I stand on the bed and step over his legs, jumping off the bed. "Thank you" I say genuinely as I retrieve my shoes from the floor.

    "For what?" Flynn looks at me puzzled.

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