A warm feeling

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    "What do you mean you're not going to Alex's party?" Summer stops walking and folds her arms across her chest, displeased with my answer. "Why wouldn't you go? It's practically our New Year party"

    "I'm just not in the mood to party"

    "But Zack?" Natalie interjects.

    "Zack's just a guy"

    "And Flynn?" Summer arches an eyebrow at me, falling back in step with us as we saunter through the shopping center.

    "He's a guy too. My world does not and never will revolve around a guy"

    "Except that Aaron guy" Natalie adds.

I let out a giggle and shake my head. "Aaron's my best friend" I confess and they both almost choke on nothing.

    "Best friend?" Summer repeats, checking she heard correctly.

    "Yes, best friend. Nothing more." I chuckle. "And before you get any ideas" I glimpse at Natalie, "he has a girlfriend and holly is also a friend of mine"

    "You're full of surprises, you know that?" Summer exclaims.

I nod my head. Amused by their reactions. "Speaking of Aaron, I'm actually going to visit him and Holly in Waterford for New Years"

    "But you'll be back for the January party in Matty's right?"

I wince at her. "Matty's throwing a party?"

Matty is a bit.. unpredictable, in my opinion. God only knows what could happen at his party, He's nuts, but I guess I'll be considering it.

    "Oh I love this dress!" Natalie coos spotting a red halterneck dress in a shop window.

    "Leah?" I hear my name being called questionably and turn to face the familiar voice.

    "Linda, hey" I chime gleefully. "How are you?"

    "Ah up to my eyes, between Wedding planning and Christmas shopping, I don't know what's more stressful"

    "I'd say Wedding" Natalie pipes up. "Christmas shopping is so much fun"

    "Sorry. Linda, these are my friends Nat and Summer" I introduce, "Girls this is Flynn's mam" I state.

    "Hey" they chime simultaneously.

    "Nice meeting yous" She smiles kindly. "Well It was lovely running into you, I better get going, tons to do and not enough time to do it in" She says, sounding stressed.

    "Do you need help?" I blurt.

    "Oh no, I couldn't expect you..."

   "Honestly, I insist; besides it's what Christmas is about" I turn around to the girls. "Yous up for it?" I asks Summer and Natalie who just nod in response.


Linda places a mug of hot chocolate on the table in front of me and I cradled it in my hands. It's heat, seeping through my fingers, sending a warm feeling through my bones.

    "You weren't messing when you said you had a ton to do and little time to do it in" I chuckle.

Natalie and Summer had helped until exhaustion kicked in and they set off home, almost an hour ago. Whereas I, who loves shopping, could go all day.

    "Yeah with all the wedding plans, I kind of forgot about Christmas. Now I've had to squeeze it all in three days before Christmas" She sighs. "Are you ready for Christmas?"

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