Not so bad

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Less then two minutes in the door and Summer has introduced me to her friends and a few classmates she's bumped into along the way; And honestly I only remember two names but I don't know which faces they belong to.

    "I'm going to get a drink" I tell her and excuse myself before disappearing into the crowd, heading toward the kitchen.

    "Drink?" A guy offers, holding out a plastic cup to me. I trace the leather jacket sleeve up to the guys face. He's got these mischievous grey-ish blue eyes, a mop of brown ruffled hair and a crooked smirk that dimples his right cheek. I'd be lying if I didn't say that he's drop dead gorgeous; He is and judging my his smirk, he's confidently aware of it, which means he's also they 'player' type.

I glance down at the plastic cup and scowl at it, not trusting what's in it or him. "I can get my own thanks"

    "More for me" He shrugs and knocks back the cup, drinking its contents in one go before stalking off.

I reach the kitchen counter where all the beverages are gathered next to the fridge. I spot the bottle of 7Up and reach for it. My hand hovers over it as I notice a bottle of Vodka standing next to it. Tempting me.

'No' I tell myself and shake my head. I reach for the 7Up and start unscrewing the lid when I feel the weight of somebody bump into me, shoving me into the counter. I look over my shoulder to see a peroxide blonde in very little clothing staggering through the crowds, bouncing off people.

With my drink in hand, I turn around, scanning the room until my eyes fall on a familiar figure.

I glimpse at his attire. Beneath his signature leather jacket he wears black jeans, immaculately white converse trainers and a white t-shirt that's just tight enough to show his lean muscular physique.

He runs his hand casually through his hair as he chats to the staggering girl, who is doing surprisingly well to stand upright in her stiletto heels as she bats her false eyelashes and flips her hair annoyingly, while giggling at everything leather jacket guy says.

    "That's Flynn Murray" Summer informs, startling me from my train of thought. "He's the guy all the girls fall for but he's also trouble"

    "I heard he was the one that set Principal Phillips' desk on fire" A girl with light red hair intervenes, sipping on her drink. "and apparently it spelt out his name"

    "That's it?" I mutter and they both turn to look at me, a faint scour on their faces. "I mean, that's...well kinda genius.. but pointless" I give a forced grin, hoping they don't read further into it.

    "Genius? It's hilarious. Phillips is an ass-hat" the red head states bluntly and I can't help but laugh at the girl in the cute, lace purple dress. This one is definitely a wild one.

    "Leah this is my best friend Natalie. Nat this is my new neighbor Leah" Summer finally introduces.

    "So you interested in Flynn Murray?" Natalie wiggles a suggestive eyebrow.

I shake my head vigorously. "Not my type" I say, biting back the word 'anymore'.

Tonight was proving to be the difficult beginning of the new Leah Brown.


Being sober at a party is quite possibly the worst thing ever.

It's ten times more boring, people are twenty times more annoying and if one more person shoves me I'm going to kill them.

Trying to escape before I do or say something I'll regret, I make my way through the house to the back garden but as I take a step down, I feel somebodies weight hit against me. I stumble forward, my foot slips from under me and I can feel myself go head first down the three simple steps, towards the pavement.

I close my eyes and brace for impact.

But it doesn't come.

I open my eyes and find I'm hovering above the concrete with somebodies arms grasped around me. My jaw clenches at the thought of whoever knocked into me.

    "Falling for me already?" A male voice says with amusement.

I turn to face him. His eyes are definitely more grey then blue as he gazes into mine as if noticing something.


I relax my jaw, trying to quickly subside my anger.

    "Flynn Murray" I mutter, standing upright and pushing his arms from me. I brush my dress off.

    "No surprise you know who I am" He says with a smug smirk. "Aren't you going to thank me for saving your life?"

    "Don't flatter yourself. I didn't ask, I was told" I state factually, glaring into his eyes. "And I didn't ask you to save my life" I mock and turn making my way to the empty bench at the back of the garden.


    "There you are" Summer appears, hours later and extremely drunk. I hadn't even notice time go by thanks to a novel I'd been reading on my phone. "We're heading home, you coming?" She slurs slightly.

I nod my head and stand from the bench. This has to be the first party I've ever attended where I haven't drank and had to resort to reading to entertain myself.

Summer struggles to make her way up the three steps I'd early fallen from, well almost fallen from. I snigger at her attempt before quickly striding to her and helping her inside. She links her arm through mine as we stroll through the house and emerge to the front garden.

    "Bye Sum, bye Leah" Natalie yells from the back of a taxi window as two guys sit in next to her.

    "Bye Nat" Summer hollers and raises her arm to wave but loses her balance. I grip her tightly, struggling to straighten her up, until a pair of hands carefully grip her and she's instantly standing upright again.

    "You okay?" an unfamiliar guy asks her, sounding genuinely concerned. I turn to face a striking good looking guy with beach blonde hair and a tan that most, if not all, Irish women would kill for.

    "Hi Benji" Summer beams, batting her eyes. I don't think she's doing it deliberately though. I think she's just trying to clear her blurry vision.

He gives her a timid grin and helps lean her against the wall. "I'm Benji" He extends his hand out to me.

I gaze at his hand. I really wasn't liking all this hand shaking malarkey. The old me would have shot people a hard stare and walked off without introducing herself.

    "I'm Leah" I force a polite smile and shake his hand quickly before returning it to Summer, stopping her from falling forward.

    "Benji you need a ride?" Flynn asks as he passes him, obviously not noticing me behind his broad physique. If Benji doesn't play rugby, he should start. He looks like he could effortlessly barge through a dozen or so men.

    "Nah, I'm hopping a lift with Carl" Benji refuses Flynn's offer.

    "What about you newbie?" Noticing me next to Benji, Flynn flashes that charming smile of his. The one I'm sure all the girls fall for immediately.

    "Haven't you been drinking?" I question, "You seriously gonna drink drive?" I scowl.

    "Well well, Newbie's a goodie, goodie" Flynn chuckles and throws his leg across the Yamaha motorbike parked on the path and pulls on a helmet.

    "Don't mind him, he's not so bad once ya get to know him" Benji assures me.

    "I've no intention of getting to know him" I state sternly, glaring at Flynn.

His eyes flicker over me before he slams shut his helmet visor, concealing his slightly offended expression.

Benji looks amusedly impressed.

Surely I wasn't the only girl who didn't instantly fall for Flynn's charm?

Flynn kick starts the bike and speeds off.

I think I hurt his ego.

Ah well.

I gotta get Summer's drunk ass home.

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