Little birdie

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I wake with a grunt and the realization that I still had two days of school left. The days are cold as hell, twice as long and torturous; but somehow I've managed to avoid Flynn.

Of course I couldn't completely avoid him. The school's not that big, but when I did see him, I averted my eyes. Not wanting him to have an affect on me.

I fall reluctantly from my bed, throw on my uniform and slip my fluffy socked feet into my Dr Marten boots. I'm really not a winter person.

Wrapped in my favorite red coat, black scarf and gloves; I saunter quietly to school with Summer and Natalie, who could talk for Ireland and weren't really missing my input.

    "Everything okay Ms Brown?" Ms Baker asks as I enter the school behind my friends. I nod my head in reply. The corners of my mouth making an attempt to curve upwards. "Good. I expect you to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for my class" She smiles at me as though she knows more than she's letting on.

I hated that about teachers. Just because they teach us, doesn't mean they understand every situation we go through.

I doubt Ms Baker has been in my situation!

I nod once more and head down the empty hallway to my first class of the day.


I sit in a daze, glancing around at the familiar students of my history class.

I hadn't been in this class since I walked out the other day. and I was dreading taking my seat near him. I didn't just have to look at Flynn for him to have an effect on me. His scent could intoxicate me, and his voice, it set off a whirlwind of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

My gaze falls on Georgina. She's a quiet girl in class, but as they say 'it's always the quiet ones' but it's no secret that Georgina has her eye on Flynn.

   "Would you mind swapping seats with me?" I hunker next to her and ask without an explanation but not needing one. Without hesitation she stands, gathers her stuff and scurries across the room to my chair.

Flynn glances across and our eyes meet for a moment but instead of looking away I hold his stare. His grey eyes soften and he looks away.

    "So was this to get closer to me?" A voice asks, startling me.

I turn, coming face to face with Zack Donnelly. His chocolate brown eyes scanning me. 

Aside from Flynn, Zack was also one of the schools hottest' guys, which now that I'm this close up to him I can completely understand why. He has a soft jawline, a wide smile and a lean physique, well I doubt he's as toned as Flynn but... No!

Why am I thinking about Flynn??

Anyway, I've never really bothered with Zack before , I guess because none of my friends did and the fact that I've always been so distracted by Flynn, Zack must have assumed I was on his side.

Yes side. Apparently Flynn and Zack don't get along and never have for as long as everyone can remember.


    "Maybe" I wink flirtatiously at Zack and take my seat next to him.

Feeling Flynn's burning a hole through me the entire time.


    "Seriously" Flynn whispers to me as we exit the class, "I don't know why you're pissed off with me but swapping with Georgina, really?" I don't reply to him. I just keep walking. "Fine, when you decide to stop being a bitch, let me know"

I roll my eyes and glimpse around to see him walking in the opposite direct.

    "Hey" Summer falls into step with me "What's up?" She asks with concern.

    "I swapped seats with Georgina in History class"

    "Oh I can't imagine Flynn was happy with that. She's crazy about him, like psycho stalker crazy"

    "I know, that's why I did it and no, he's not happy" Summer's eyebrows knit at me. Natalie had told her about me seeing Flynn flirting with girls, not that it hasn't happened since either; but I wasn't ready to open up to Summer about all this yet. I shrug my shoulders and force a smile "I got to sit next to Zack Donnelly and torment Flynn. Two birds, one stone."  I chuckle.

Unfortunately, my next class  is another I share with Flynn. In Art class the desks are squared around the room so there was no avoiding him, especially since he sits directly opposite me.

I lower my head, sketching in my notepad but I can still feel his gaze upon me.

    "So there's a party in Alex's this Friday, Will I see you there?" Zack startles me, sitting on the empty stool beside me.

    "What a loser" I hear Flynn chuckle to Benji next to him.

Zack rolls his eyes, keeping his composure but I can see it's irritated him too.

   "Shut up Flynn" I snap.

   "Or what?" He challenges, his eyes glistening with mischievousness.

I glare sternly at him. "I hope you know how to assemble your bike"

    "I'd like to see you try" His dimpled smirk spreads across his face.

    "What, you think your the only guy I know with a bike?" I retaliate and his smirk falters. I turn my attention back to Zack "I'll think about it" I smile at him.

Zack nods, satisfied by my maybe and returns to his own seat.

    "I can't believe you have Zack and Flynn after you" Summer whispers.

Except Flynn isn't.

He's just a tease and a torment; And I can't let him get to me anymore.

Summer turns her attention back to Nicole as I pull my phone from my pocket, feeling it vibrated, indicating a text message.

Aaron: A birdie told me u cud do wit an old frnd :D

My eyebrows fury in confusion. A little birdie?

Leah: Dnt I always ;)

I glance up at Flynn, who looks as though he's in a daze, as he sketches on his notebook.

Aaron: I'll see u after school ;)

I get a giddy feeling in my stomach reading this. I haven't seen Aaron in so long.

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