One girl

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Leah's POV

Dress shopping for occasions is quite possibly the only time I hate shopping. The dresses are gorgeous but I just feel like none of them suit me, that they don't portray who I am.

Maybe I'm just not suppose to attend the wedding.

I gaze at the black tulle skirted dress with black sequined bodice that Flynn handed me. It's unlike anything I've ever worn before which makes me doubt it but I have to try it on because Flynn could possibly be buying any dress of my choice!

 It's unlike  anything I've ever worn before which  makes  me doubt it but I have to  try it on because Flynn could possibly be buying any dress of my choice!

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I step into the dress and zip it closed before checking my reflection in the mirror. It fit perfectly and to my dismay it suited me.

Mentally I curse Flynn because now I love it and have to buy it.

Pulling back the curtain, I step out of the dressing room and my eyes instantly lands on Flynn, eager to see his reaction.

His eyes scan me and his jaw drops open slightly.

Safe to say he's stunned.

    "Well?" I ask, biting back a grin.

    "Oh Leah, you look stunning. It's perfect on you" Linda chimes since it seems Flynn is stuck for words. "I'll see if there are any black heels to go with it" She says quickly and scurries off towards the shoe section; a bit too quick; but we all know it's just an excuse to escape.

    "I guess you don't have to buy me a dress now" I giggle at Flynn and wiggle the tulle skirt from side to side.

Returning from his trance, Flynn stands and steps closer to me causing my heart to flutter at his closeness.

   "You look... wow" He stammers, lost for words. His eyes glistening at me and I lower my head, feeling my cheeks blush. "But I'm still buying it" My head shoots back up to look at him. "No arguments" He states before I can open my mouth.

    "Thank you" I say timidly and turn to take another glance at my reflection, but catch Flynn still staring at me.


Like a child that's just been bought the toy they've wanted, I happily sit in the back of the car watching the world go by. I replay the moment Flynn saw me in the dress over and over again in my head with a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

The car pulls up outside my house and I feel myself deflate inside. I wasn't ready to go home yet.

I step out from the backseat and come around to the passenger window that Linda has rolled down.

    "Thanks for today. I had a fun" I smile at both of them. "I guess I'll be seeing you at the wedding?"

    "I hope to see you before that, you know where to find me so don't be a stranger; Even if he's pissing ya off, you come see me" She twitches her head towards Flynn, who just rolls his eyes.

    "Don't worry, I can handle him" I inform Linda while grinning across at Flynn. "I'll see ya on Monday Flynn and thanks again for the dress"

Flynn nods his head in response.

As I stroll to the door I feel Flynn's eyes upon me. It was a sensation that I'd grown accustomed to but still, I quite like it.

Now I just needed to grow accustomed to understanding that he'd never be with one girl and teach my heart to start listening to my head..

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