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   "Wakey, wakey" I hear Flynn whisper, his hand gently nudges my arm.

I grunt dismissively.

   "Ya bastard" I squeal at the top of my lungs, as water soaks every inch of my head and chest. I bolt upright in the bed. "Are you fucking serious? What was that for?" I wipe my face, thankful that I wore minimal make-up last night. I glare at Flynn, who's curled over laughing.

I jump out from under the wet duvet and with all my strength I hit Flynn with a pillow across the head, quickly silencing his laughing.

   "Last time we did this, you lost"

   "Maybe I won't let you win this time"

Flynn picks up a pillow and swings it at me, which I block with my arm. I swing my pillow, hitting him continuously.

Flynn also finds opportunities to hit me.

   "That's it" He states firmly.

I scurry away, diving across the bed and jump off the far side with Flynn in close pursuit. I stop at the window and turn to face him.

shit, he's blocking my path to the door.

I can't stop laughing, even Flynn is trying hard to stifle his laughter.

Okay here goes.

I bolt towards the end of the bed but before I can pass him, Flynn effortlessly grabs my waist and pulls me back to him.  I feel my back against his chest before we both go flying back onto the bed.

Flynn accidentally releasing me from his grasp. I jump up and straddle him, grip his wrists, pinning him to the bed, just like he had done to me the last time.

Flynn's laughter subsides and his mischievous smirk takes over. His eyes flash downwards and I suddenly feel my cheeks heat up, realizing the position we're in and that I'm still wearing just his t-shirt; still I don't move. I can't.

   "You're cute when you blush" Flynn grins.

   "And you're a lewd fucker" I looking into his eyes.  A smirk playing on my face. I finally had him restrained.

It's payback time.

I clear my expression and keep my eyes locked on him. I dip lower, my body lightly brushing his and I could feel him tense beneath me.

   "Leah.." Flynn begins, the sound of him say my name sending chills up my spine.

I bite my bottom lip seductively and bat my eyelashes at himm "Yes, Flynn" I say in a low croak, lowering my face to his until there's barely an inch between us.

His fingers curl around mine. I'd been so lost in his gaze, I momentarily forgot I had him restrained.

My heart races in my chest. I've been in this position before but never have I felt anything like this. This was just the effect Flynn had on me and I hated it; because I knew Flynn's type.

I feel his head lift slightly from the bed and I mimic his movements, keeping the space between us.

I couldn't let him kiss me.

His head lifts further and I lift mine again. A smirks creeps onto my face.

Flynn flops his head back onto the bed. "You're a goddamn tease" He sighs, copping onto what I'm doing.

   "And you're an irritating shithead" I grin, quickly pecking his cheek before releasing his hands, to climb off.

Flynn's hands grip my waists, keeping me in position.

He looks up pleadingly at me. I successfully teased him but a part of me really wanted to feel his kiss again.

   "FLYNN" Linda calls, approaching from down the hall.

His hands quickly release me and I fall onto the bed next to him. Pulling the t-shirt down to cover my underwear and pull the blanket over me.

He bolts up, sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed.

   "Did you ask.." Linda stops in the doorway, noticing my drowned hair. "What did you do?" She puts her hands on her hips, looking unimpressed at Flynn, who now has a smug grin on his face.

   "I woke her up"

   "Flynn Murray!" Linda groans, "Good morning Leah. I apologize for him. I had sent him up to see if you'd like to help me with some wedding plans today."

   "Seriously?" I gasp in surprise. Linda nods. "I'd love to" I chirp.

   "Great, I could do with a girls opinion. Why don't you two get ready and come down for breakfast before we go... And Flynn, it's not optional, you're coming too" Linda concludes and exits the room, closing the door after her.

Flynn sighs and falls back onto his bed.

There's a moment of awkwardness between us but nothing ever last with Flynn.

   "I can't believe I'm being dragged along"

   "And I can't believe you threw water over me!" I state, pushing my wet hair out of my face.

   "I thought it might help with your hangover" He chuckles and turns his head to look at me. "You can use my shower if ya want" He says seriously and stands, fetching me a towel while I just lay there trying to wrap my head around everything that just happened.

So much for gluing that crack in my heart

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