I'm good.

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I smile seeing Summer and Natalie standing outside waiting for me. I hadn't seen them over the weekend; I'd ended up doing my homework Saturday and spent all day Sunday shopping with my mother.

    "Hey" Summer chirps. "Where'd you disappear to Friday night?"

    "I could ask you the same" I smirk, "What happened with Benji?" I asks outright.

Obviously unaware of what happened, Natalie glares at Summer in surprise.

    "I wanted to tell you together" She smiles broadly, and links her arms through both of ours as we walk. "We were just hanging out at the party when he asked me out so of course I said yes. Next thing I know he's taking me by the hand to his car, telling me we're going on the date right then and there" She burst with excitement. "We drove to Howth head, got a chipper and sat talking for hours and hours... and then he drove me home and kissed me goodbye" She smiles at the memory of it, her eyes gleaming with happiness. "It was the best night ever!"

    "sounds amazing. I'm so happy for you Sum" I smile at her.

    "So I assume there is another date planned?" Natalie injects.

Summer nods, her smile widening. "We're going out Wednesday night and he's asked me to go with him to Alex's party Friday night. You're going right?"

    "Actually I don't think so" I wince.

    "Would this have anything to do with sleeping in Flynn's Friday night?"

    "WHAT!?" Natalie exclaims, almost choking on her own breath.

    "How do you know about that?" I squint at Summer who's grinning smugly.

    "Benji was texting Flynn. He said you were hiding from Anthony and fell asleep on his bed"

I roll my eyes and sigh. 

Of course Flynn just had to tell Benji that.

    "So you did!" Natalie gasps. "Oh my god!" She lets out a high pitched squeal. "Did anything happen?" She wiggles a suggestive eyebrow at me and I feel my cheeks blush.

I lower my head trying to conceal it from them, but nothing gets past these two.

    "Spill!" Natalie instructs giddily.

    "It was nothing. We were arguing and he just kissed me" From the corner of my eye I see their jaws drop in shock. "He only did it to irritate me" I add unsure if I'm trying to convince them or myself.

    "And have either of you mentioned it since?" Summer gazes at me as if she knows more than I'm telling.

I shake my head. "I fell asleep, then in the morning we just had breakfast with his mam and he dropped me home" Natalie and Summer turn and look at each other. They're eyebrows rise and their eyes bulge. "What?" I scowl.

    "We've known Flynn since we started school and never once have we heard of a girl staying in his house or meeting his mam"

'That's because they haven't' I think to myself.

    "It wasn't intentionally and Linda's actually really nice"

    "Speaking of nice, What about Anthony?" Summer questions.

I shrug my shoulders and look directly at Summer. "I don't think it's gonna work out, he dissed my dress. He's just lucky it wasn't the old me, she'd have bet him up" I giggle.

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