Goodie two shoes

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I sit on the wall dividing mine and Summer's house, waiting. It's my first day of school and although my parents offered to bring me, I'd rather walk with Summer. I'm less then five minutes waiting when she emerges in her uniform.

Our uniforms are a white shirt under a navy jumper and a horrible navy and green plaid skirt or navy trousers. Summer of course is sporting the skirt with a pair of navy knee high socks and black dolly shoes.

   "Only you could make a school uniform look good" She grins at me, noticing me wearing navy skinny jeans with navy and white Vans, instead of the skirt. "Why haven't I ever thought of navy skinnies" She huffs at herself.

   "How's the head?" I ask genuinely.

I hadn't seen her since Saturday night, when I had to practically carry her up to her bedroom and help her into her bed. Although with the state she was in I wouldn't blame her for not leaving her bed yesterday.

She shakes her head, closing her eyes regrettably. "Still dying" She admits, opening her eyes to look at me. "I've never been that bad before but thanks for getting me home"

She smiles genuinely grateful and I feel a smile creep on my face. She's definitely a little wild but she's also a good person and maybe, just maybe I should give her a chance.

   "So you ready for the first day?" She asks as we fall into step together, heading for school.

  Summer told me that she and her friends meet up at the school gates before and after school and that she'd text to let them know I'd be joining them.

I swallow hard. I can't remember any of their names, except Natalie. She was pretty cool.

   "Will Benji be there?" I inquire.

She momentarily pauses before shaking her head. "He doesn't usually hang with my friends. you like him?" She stammers, fearing my answer.

I let out a little laugh and she turns to look at me. A confused frown takes over her face. "No" I shake my head, subsiding my laughter. "But I know you do" I bluntly admit and she stops walking, as if glued to the spot she glares at me with her huge blue eyes.

   "How do you know that?"

   "The way you looked at him the other night" I tell her timidly.

   "Oh my god, was I that obvious?" Summer's hand goes up to cover her face but I can still see her blushing cheeks.

   "Nope" I say popping the P. "I just have a knack for knowing these things"  She peaks out from behind her hand. "Even drunk, you're quite good at hiding your emotions" I compliment.

   "Pity I can't do it sober!"

I return to her side and link my arm through hers as if I'm assisting her walking again. "He's a guy, they're oblivious to anything that isn't pointed outright to them"

We'd just reached her friends when Benji happened to be passing. "hey" He says out but gazes at Summer.

I feel her physically stiffen so I tug her lightly. "Hey" She chirps back at him, among the other greetings of her friends. "Let's get in before the bell ring" She says linking her other arm through Natalie's.

We began strolling towards the school, Nat telling us about her eventfully day yesterday, when a loud rev of a motorbike enters the school premises. The black Yamaha pulls up in front of us and the engine shuts off.

Flynn removes his helmet, running his hand through his hair to fix it and steps off the bike. He unzips his leather jacket, displaying his uniform and I have to stifle my laughter. It's quite entertaining seeing the 'bad boy' wearing a navy school jumper over a white shirt, grey trousers and black converse;  Although he does make the uniform look good, there's no deny that.

Summer and Natalie momentarily pause, taking in this masterpiece of a human; also giving him a chance to eye me up and down.

   "Hey goodie" He gives me that mischievous dimple smirk.

   "Goodie?" I ask wearily.

   "Yes, as in goodie two shoes, or did you prefer newbie?"

   "Like it'd make a difference" I roll my eyes and continue walking, tugging Summer and Natalie along.


History had never been a strong subject for me but I love historic monuments. It was my third class and so far neither Natalie or Summer are in any of my classes, but it turns out Flynn is.

And not only was he in my History class but he's also sat directly behind me. His feet tapping irritably on the legs of my chair.

I try to ignore him and concentrate on the teacher.

    "Brilliant work, goodie" Flynn whispers over my shoulder after I answer the teachers question.

I clench my fist, trying to conceal my rage. Telling myself that I can't go back to my old ways.

    "Mr Murray, have you something to say?" Ms Baker asks in a warning tone. Flynn shakes his head and leans back in his seat.

My fist loosens and I sit with a satisfied smirk on my face. I hope any classes I have with him, all the teachers treat him like this.

After History class was break and damn was I glad to see Summer and Natalie.

    "How ya finding your classes?" Natalie asks genuinely.

    "First day and she almost got me in trouble" Flynn intervenes, overhearing us as he passes with Benji.

Benji smiles politely at us. I seriously don't know how theses two are even friends, besides the fact that they're both ridiculously good looking, they're polar opposites.

    "The day isn't over yet" I warn him. "and you did it to yourself, mouth!" He glares at me unimpressed.

    "Hey" says another guy, appearing between Benji and Natalie.

    "What do you want?" Flynn says spitefully. Clearly not a fan of his.

    "Hey Anthony" Summer welcomes the guy kindly.

He's tall and quite good looking in a nerdy kind of way.

    "Don't mind Flynn" I tell him, "I'm Leah" I introduce myself.

    "I'm Anthony" He introduces himself with a wide smile.

    "What do you want nerd?" Flynn growls.

    "I'm looking for candidates for the student committee to help with upcoming events" He looks around hopeful at each of us, who in return, all shake our heads. "Thanks anyway" He smiles before retreating to his friends. Glancing back over his shoulder at me.

    "I'm surprised you didn't volunteer goodie" Flynn sniggers, irritating me further. How could such a good looking guy be so annoying.

    "Well that's a big word for you isn't is? Vol-un-teer" I smirk and the girls giggle.

Flynn frowns and strides off, joining a familiar peroxide blonde girl.

She flips her hair and immediately I know why she's familiar to me; It's the staggering drunk girl from the party. Only this time she's sober but just as annoying.

I glance around the room full off students, finally realizing why people are glaring curiously at me; I'm the only girl wearing trousers!

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