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Flynn: Cnt believe ur ditchin project wrk wit ME for that nerd.

Me:  stop textin me, ur ruining my date asshole!

   "Is everything okay?" I glance up from my phone to see Anthony looking at me with concern.

   "Oh yeah, Summer's just having a wardrobe malfunction" I lie, forcing a smile.

I couldn't exactly tell my date that I was texting another guy, especially since it was Flynn, who he hates enough as it is.

Flynn: remember 1+1= 3 hahaha.

'gobshite' I think to myself as I try not to chuckle at his childishness.

I exit his messages, without replying and glare at my phone in astonishment. I close my eyes in a long blink, making a mental note to kill Flynn and to never leave my phone unattended with him around.

My background picture is currently a selfie of Flynn with his cocky smirk.

He must have done it earlier, when I left him to answer the door to Summer, who was loaning me a dress for tonight.

I screen lock my phone, shoving it back into my handbag and resume listening to whatever Anthony was talking about.

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have zoned out.


   "Well tonight was nice. Thank you" I smile sweetly at Anthony as we pulls up outside my house.

   "Sorry I had to reschedule for today. I forgot I have a family affair tomorrow evening" He apologizes again.

   "It's fine. I wasn't doing anything tonight anyway" I give a faint smile.

Nothing except my history project with Flynn, who I practically kicked out of my house so I could get ready for this last minute date that I'd have hoped to go better than our first date.

I lower my gaze to my hands, where I'm fidgeting with my new white acrylic nails. I still found it weird having such bright colored nails.

I glance up, hoping to see him inching towards me but instead he's gazing around blankly, with pinched lips, as if he's waiting for me to get out of the car. "I guess I'll see you in school on Monday" Getting the hint, I step out of the car,  slamming the door behind me.

   "How was the date?" My mother ask as I stand with my back to the door and drag my hands down my face.

   "For a guy who's really intelligent..." I shake my head. "...I know it's only my second date and that I'm not an expert but how the hell do people go through all this dating malarky and manage to fall in love. it's sooo boring"

Before you say anything, yes, it's my second date too. Let's just say the old me didn't exactly make that much effort.

My mother bits her lip, holding back her laughter. "Darling I don't think this Anthony boy is the right one for you. No matter how smart or nice he may be" She says, her laughter dwindled now.

   "I think I owe it to him to give him one more date. Third times a charm and all that crap" I sigh, rolling my eyes.

   "If you think that's what's best, sweetie" my mother calls after me as I ascend the stairs to my room but before i reach my room I hear her laughter erupt.


   "Any parties tonight?" Flynn asks, falling in step with me as I stroll to history class.

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