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I knocked Twigs' door, waiting for her to answer it. I was more than surprised when Leon opened it.

"Hey," he said, and I could tell the smile on his face was forced.

I smiled back, with a more real smile, saying the same thing as he did.

"Phil?" I saw Twigs jumping up from her bed and moving to her room's door. "Hi," she said with a surprised voice.

"Hey, um... didn't we wanna go to London today?" My eyes shifted between her and Leon, and Twigs eyes widened.

"Oh my God, I completely forgot about that!" She looked at Leon for a second and then her eyes turned back to me, with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm... I'm sorry, but do you mind going without me? I... wanted to spend some time with Leon tonight, you know, talk for a bit."

I understood immediately what she meant. She still didn't tell Leon about her scholarship, and judging by the tone in her voice she was about to tell him tonight.

"Um, no no, sure, I can go on my own." I smiled at her and then at Leon – one smiling back while the other didn't. "Uh, I guess I'll leave then. Talk to you later!"

Twigs nodded and smiled at me, her eyes saying Thank you.

I turned around and walked into my room to get changed. Since I had laid on the grass that was covered with rain drops my green hoodie was all wet now, so I pulled it off and threw on a grey Muse shirt instead which I've been owning for ages. It has gotten warmer, so I probably would've melted in my hoodie anyway.

I tried to fix my hair when I looked in the mirror, but eventually gave up when I realised the messy black mop on my head just didn't want to cooperate today.

Me and Twigs had actually planned to go to Nando's and then head over to Oxford Street for some shopping. I hated Oxford Street. It was crowded as hell and you could find most of the shops at other places in London as well.

But the thing was, it had my favourite coffee shop, so I decided to go there anyway.

It started to rain when I left the accommodation. I stared up to the sky – I hadn't noticed the big, grey, fluffy clouds before. But it didn't rain too much, and I wasn't made of sugar – I'd make it downtown.

At least that's what I thought. But no, as soon as I had left the campus it was full on raining, the rain splattering down on me. And of course I didn't take an umbrella with me. I sighed.

So no, today I wouldn't walk, I'd take the underground.

I had a weird flashback to a few weeks ago when I was in the same situation as I walked down the stairs to enter the station. And that was, for the first time in weeks, when I thought of the piano guy again.

What if he was there again? Would it have the same effect on me as before?

A part of me wanted to stay away, just because I was scared I'd get obsessed all over again. But another part of me already was obsessed with him when I thought of him amd curiousity took over me.

Nervously I sat on the train, my eyes shifting around. There weren't too many other people, and all of them were busy reading the newspaper or listening to music. I was listening to music, too, but couldn't really concentrate on Patrick Stump's voice singing about lighting 'em up and being on fire as I was feeling way to nervous for some reason. I didn't even know where that feeling came from.

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