Setting Up the Tree

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Racheland Kristen took them then laid them on their mats and played withthem while they talked. Rachel asked, "How are you guys going torehearse for, let alone do a tour with the twins?" Megan said,"We are going to have to get a nanny and take our time, stayingin hotels instead of on the bus. We won't start tour until the end ofMay so we have time to look for a nanny." There was a knock atthe door and Megan went to answer it. When she opened it she was metwith a FedEx person. "I have a package for a Ms. Megan Jones"he said. "I'm Megan" Megan said. The guy handed her thepackage and had her sign the slip then said goodbye and left.

Meganopened the package on the way to the living room. It was five copiesof the next weeks People magazine. It had a small picture in the topright corner of Megan and the twins. She showed Joseph and theirparents. "What's this?" Rachel asked. "Look at the topright corner" Megan said. "Wow. You guys got anotherinterview in People!" Kristen said. They all opened themagazine, looked at the table of contents and found the article. Theywent to that page and read the article.

Whenthey were all done, the parents all said congratulations and gave themagazines back. "Are those on sale yet or did you guys get themearly again?" Kristen asked. "We got them early. This isnext weeks issue" Megan said then excused herself and went toher room to call Jessica. She told her that the magazines were thereand Jessica asked if she could come by the next day and get thegirls' copies. Megan told her she could and they hung up. Megan wentback out to the front room and talked to everyone. Katie came out andasked if she could hold one of them. Megan had her sit down and gaveher Christian. Joseph sat right next to Katie and she talked toChristian. After about five minutes she got bored and handed him backto Megan.

Theirmoms asked for the twins and Megan and Joseph let them take them.Rachel had Christian and Kristen had Haley. They were talking to themand Haley smiled. Kristen got a big smile on her face and said, "Shejust smiled!" Joseph said, "Yeah, she's been doing thatsince she was two months." "Has Christian smiled yet?"Kristen asked. Megan answered, saying, "Not yet but we keeptrying to get him to smile." After another twenty minutes theyswitched so that Kristen had Christian and Rachel had Haley. Theywere both playing with them for a while until Christian started toget fussy.

Megansaid, "He shouldn't be hungry or tired. Let me have him please."Megan got up and got him and Haley saw her then started fussing alsoso Joseph got her. They held them against their chests and theyquieted immediately. They all decided to watch a movie. When themovie was over, they talked about what they wanted for dinner. Timand Jason said they would make tacos. Everyone agreed then they wentinto the kitchen and started dinner while Megan and Joseph weretalking to their moms. Katie came out and said she was hungry a fewminutes later. Megan told her that Dad was making dinner and she ranoff to the room.

Meganand Joseph told them about them going to the ridge and asked if theywould watch the twins so they could go. "The only time we werehome and missed going to the ridge was right after the accident andright after the twins were born. Otherwise we have gone every nightsince I got here" Joseph said. They said they had no problemwatching the twins. When dinner was done, they called the kids andthey all ate.

Whenthey were done eating, Megan went to check on the twins. They wereawake and it was almost time for them to eat so she got Haley and fedher. She called Joseph when Haley was done eating so he could changeher while Megan fed Christian. When he was done Megan changed him andtook him back out to the living room. They handed them to Rachel andKristen and Megan went to pump. When she was done cleaning up theysaid they'd be back by 10pm and left.

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