Nanny's First Day

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Thenext morning they got up with Christian at 7am. Megan fed both ofthem and Joseph changed them while Megan pumped. Joseph was playingwith the twins on the floor when Megan came out after puttingeverything away. Megan remembered something she read and went to getthe boppy pillows from the twins' room. She took them, got down onthe floor and set them next to her. Joseph asked, "What are youdoing?" "I read in my book that babies can start sitting uparound this age. So I was going to try something." She took thepillow and put it in front of her and picked up Haley. She moved thepillow onto the mat and put Haley in the center of the pillow so itwas around her. Haley looked up and reached for the toys above herhead. She got a hold of one of them and squealed. Megan and Josephlooked at each other laughing. Joseph did the same thing withChristian and he had a similar reaction.

Theyplayed with them for about an hour then put them on their tummies.They got up, went to the kitchen and ate some cereal then went to theliving room and sat on the love seat. They watched a movie then whenit was over Joseph played with the twins while Megan pumped and puteverything away. When Nick and Crystal got there and knocked, Josephanswered the door then Megan and Joseph left. When they got to thestudio they warmed up. They ran through the entire concert fixing anyproblems as they went along. When they were done they left. Megan andJoseph went home.

Crystaland Nick offered to stay while they took their shower. Once they weredone with their shower Joseph brushed and braided Megan's hair andshe did her makeup. Then they went out to the front room and Nick andCrystal left. Joseph stayed with the twins while Megan pumped and puteverything away. It was 3:45pm so Megan slipped on some flip flopsthen grabbed the waiver from Haley's diaper bag and said goodbye toJoseph. She drove to Cristina's office and stood outside the car.When Cadence showed up she had her sign the waiver and they left.Cadence followed Megan home and they went inside.

Josephwas on the floor with the twins. Cadence said hello to Joseph as hestood up and kissed Megan. "May I?" Cadence asked as shegestured to the floor where the twins were. Megan and Joseph nodded.Cadence got on the floor with the twins and started playing withthem. Megan and Joseph smiled at each other and sat in their chair.After about a half an hour, Megan said, "We're going to go. Thetwins need to eat at 7pm. Feed Christian first. There is breast milkin the freezer. Defrost one bag in hot water and they take about sixounces each but make eight ounces just in case. Put the bottles inthe fridge if they don't finish. They get changed right after theyeat as well as any other time they need it. They can go on theirtummies an hour after they eat. Our cell numbers are on the fridgealong with their God mother Jessica's number in case you can't reachus in an emergency. We should be back by 10pm. Come with me and I'llshow you the twins' room."

Cadencegot up and followed Megan to the twins' room. Megan saw that Josephhad moved their swings into their room. "Do you have anyquestions?" Megan asked. "Nope. Have a good time"Cadence said as they walked back to the living room. Megan and Josephkissed the twins on their heads and left. As Megan was starting thecar she said, "I'm glad you moved the swings into their room.""I also locked our door. So where are we going?" Josephsaid.

"Ithought we could see a movie, get dinner then go to the ridge"Megan said. "Sounds good to me. Where are we going for dinner?"Joseph said and grabbed her right hand off her lap. They held theirhands on the shifter. Megan said, "I was thinking GoldenCorral." "Okay. Let's go" Joseph said. Megan backedout of the driveway and drove off. On the way, Joseph said, "SoI was thinking, we need to get our own car so we can return this oneto Nick. I want to get an Escalade and I want to replace yourMustang." "I would love to do that. We can go shopping forthe Escalade this weekend and keep an eye out online and around townfor the Mustang. Maybe Cadence will watch the twins so we can go tothe dealership" Megan said. Joseph agreed as they pulled intothe theater's parking lot.

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