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At3pm the twins woke up and Joseph fed them while Megan pumped. Whenshe was done she cleaned up and went to the living room. She saw thatA.J. and Nick had the twins, giving them their bottles. Joseph wassitting in their chair so she went over and sat in his lap. When thetwins were done with their bottles, A.J. and Nick changed them andput them on the floor. They crawled off across the room together andplayed while everyone else sat and talked. About 5:30pm Megansuggested they call the rest of the group and go out to dinner. Theyall agreed and Megan called Madelyn and asked, "Hey is everyonethere with you?"

"Yeahexcept Crystal, Nick, A.J. and Jessica but that's because they'rewith you." "Okay smart ass. Ask them if they, and you ofcourse, want to go out to dinner with us and Cadence." She askedthem and they all agreed. "They said sure. We'll be there intwenty" Madelyn said. "Okay see you then" Megan saidand they hung up. Joseph went to the kitchen and made the twins'bottles, got a bowl with cereal and grabbed a jar of carrots whileMegan did the pumping routine. Joseph put the cereal bowl, bottlesand baby food in the diaper bag and went to the living room. Jessicaand Cadence were putting the twins in their seats. As soon as Meganhad put the bottles back with the pump she went to the living roomand saw everyone was ready.

Theywent out to the cars with Megan, Joseph, Cadence and the twins in theEscalade and Crystal, Nick, Jessica and A.J. went in one of thetrucks. As soon as the rest of them pulled up in their Escalade, theytalked through the windows then decided to keep it simple and go toMcDonald's. When they got there Megan and Joseph took the twins outof their seats and went inside. They all ordered and went to put abunch of tables together.

Cadenceand Jessica got two high chairs for the twins and they all sat down.When their number was called, Kevin, Brian, Howie and Nick went andgot the food. They all ate while Megan fed the twins. When Cadencewas done she offered to feed them so Megan could eat. They switchedspots and Megan ate. When the twins were done eating, they got theirbottles.

Everyonewas sitting there talking with just Megan eating when someone came upto the table and said, "A.J. McLean? Is that you?" somegirl asked. Everyone looked up and A.J. looked behind him and saw agroup of about 7 girls. A.J. said, "If you keep your voicesdown, then yes I am." The girls got all excited and the one thattalked first said, "Is that Nick Carter and the rest of the guysand the Baby Dolls too? My name's Jesse. We're big fans." "Wellnice to meet you Jesse. What can we do for you?" Megan said.

"LikeJesse said we're big fans. We just wanted to meet you. Megan arethose the twins? They're getting so big." The girls and guyslooked at each other. They all got up, shook each girls' hand andhugged them. The girls were just about dying. While they were doingthis Joseph, Crystal and Cadence got the twins stuff put away and gotthem in the car. By the time the hugs were done, Joseph, Crystal andCadence were in the Escalade with the twins on the way back to Meganand Joseph's.

Theplan was that they get the twins out and Megan would ride with theothers. They planned it like that after the last time someonerecognized them when their parents were with them and they heardabout another celebrity getting followed by a fan and almost gettingin an accident. Megan said, "Okay, not to cut this short but wehave to get going. Nice to meet you all." "Can we get yourautograph?" Jesse asked. "Sure. You got a pen and paper?"Megan asked. She handed Megan a pen from her purse and a smallnotebook. They each signed seven pages then Megan said, "Okay.We really have to go now. Sorry." They all grabbed their traysand made sure they had everything then went out to the cars. Thegirls walked out at the same time and got in two cars.

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