Sippy Cups

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Thenext morning they got up at 7am and threw their pajamas back onbefore getting the twins up and doing the feeding routine. When theywere done they put the twins on the floor to play and Megan went toput the extra milk in a bag and put it in the freezer then washed thebottles. She went to the bedroom, put the bottles back and put thecostume in the hamper then went back out to the front room.

Theyput the twins in the pack-and-play and went to make breakfast only tofind Cadence already starting it. "Seems like you had the sameidea we did" Joseph said. Cadence jumped a little when she heardhis voice. Cadence turned around to look at them. "Yep. I justwanted a home cooked breakfast and we haven't had that since weleft."

Theysaw she made coffee and made a beeline for it. They used their newMickey and Minnie Coffee cups. "I know it will be nice. Do youwant any help?" Megan asked. "Nope. I got it. Thanks. Lookslike you two had fun" Cadence said. They gave her a questioninglook and she pointed at Megan's neck. Joseph looked and his eyes gotwide. Megan said, "What?"

"Golook at your neck" Cadence said. She put her hands on the sidesof her neck and said, "You didn't" before she ran out ofthe room and into the bathroom. She saw she had a huge hickey on theleft side of her neck. "Joseph Ryan Smith get your ass in here"Megan yelled. Joseph cringed and looked at Cadence with wide eyesthen walked slowly out of the kitchen, hearing Cadence chuckle.

Hewalked into the bathroom and said, "Yes Baby?" "Don't'yes Baby' me. Can you explain this? I thought we agreed no visiblemarks" Megan said. She was standing with her hip cocked to theside and her arms crossed. She looked pissed. Joseph said, "Igot carried away in the moment. I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorryBaby" as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around herwaist.

Shepushed him away and stepped back. "This had better be gone bythe time we leave for Minneapolis" she said and walked out.Joseph ran his hand through his hair. When he walked in the kitchen afew minutes later, he found both Megan and Cadence laughing. "What'sso funny?" he asked. "Cadence was describing your reactionto me calling your full name and I told her what happened in thebathroom" Megan said. "How is that funny?" Josephasked. "It's funny because I may not be happy with the mark butI'm not really mad at you. I just wanted to see what your reactionwas." He looked relieved which just made the girls laugh again.

Meganand Joseph went back out to the living room and got the twins out ofthe pack-and-play to let them play on the floor until breakfast wasready. When it was done they took the twins and put them in theirhigh chairs. They gave them a sippy cup with half apple juice halfwater. Megan set them in front of them but they just looked at them.They reached for them and knocked them over.

"Ithink we're going to have to help them" Megan said. Meganreached over and picked up the sippy. She put the tip in Christian'smouth and he sucked on it until he had to stop to breath. Megan setit in front of him and he picked it up, drinking some more. Josephdid the same thing with Haley. Megan put some puffs on their traysand the adults ate. The twins ate the puffs and drank the applejuice.

Whenthe adults were done they all took their plates to the sink andJoseph did the dishes while Cadence helped Megan get the twins to thefront room. "We were going to take the twins swimming. Do youwant to join us?" "Sure let me know when your headed out"Cadence said before going to her room. Megan walked both babies intotheir room and closed the gate. She got their suits and two swimdiapers out of the small duffel and put them on their changingtables.

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